Chapter 109

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I read through the latest news report, checking for any updates on the crime rates as I sat on a cozy hammock in the corner. My peaceful silence was broken by a blond boy screaming as he padded across the living room relentlessly.

A gust of wind hit me as my husband chased after him, "Get back here you little shit!" Katsuki screamed at our son. He laughed like a little psycho as he evaded him like a pro.

He was quite fast for a Six year old. "Why can't you listen to me like your sister!?" Katsuki shouted as he tried to grab the tiny terror. I giggled as Hatori scrambled onto the sofa, ass naked.

Katsuki grabbed him, "Got you now you little fucker." He grinned as he helped him put on his trousers. "That was fun dad! Let's do it again!" He said in an ecstatic tone.

Katsuki narrowed his eyes at him, trying to hold back his own smile, "Absolutely not. It's bed time-" He was cut off by a tiny feminine voice. "Dad," our daughter yawned, "What's all the noise?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes.

He sighed, "Sorry darling, your brother was causing trouble again." He told her as he placed Hatori back on the ground. She came padding into the large living room and she then noticed me, "Mom! You're home!" She grinned as she barreled into me.

Hatori then noticed me too and ran over to embrace me. I giggled as they locked me in their death grips, "How was work, mom?" Kasumi, our daughter asked. I smiled fondly at them, "It was great! I really kicked some ass." I giggled as I placed my tablet down.

"Sorry I wasn't home earlier. How was school?" I asked them as they sat on either side of me. "It was really great! Yuki and I made a fort after school!" Hatori told me about the white haired boy.

I raised a brow, "You guys went to Uncle Sho's house?" I asked them with a smile. They nodded their heads and Katsuki spoke up, "I had a last minute meeting with him so he told me to bring the kids over." He explained.

I smiled at him, "That's nice. How's Mo?" I asked him as he picked Hatori up. "She's good. We should go and visit them this weekend." He suggested earning vigorous nods from our kids.

I giggled and agreed with him, "How're Yuki, Mirai and Shoka?" I asked them. They beamed at me in response. "They're great! Mirai and I baked cookies with Aunty Momo today!" Kasumi mentioned Sho's daughter.

I smiled, "I'm glad you had fun," I then looked at the time, "It's time for bed now though, you two. You have school in the morning." I said earning sounds of complaint in response.

"Cmon, let's get you terrors to bed, shall we?" Katsuki smirked as he held Hatori in one arm and held Kasumi's hand in his other as he led them out of the living room.

"Night my loves!" I shouted out to them as they exited the room with their father. "Good night Mommy!" I got in response as their voices faded down the big hallways.

It had been eight years since we graduated from U.A. We had moved in together in an apartment and we then opened up an agency. A year later, Katsuki proposed to me and we got married in the fall.

Another year passed before I fell pregnant with Hatori and Kasumi. We moved into a mansion after they were born. They're fraternal twins but they look nothing alike. Hatori has Katsuki's spikey hair but he has my hair color while Kasumi has blond straight hair.

They both have red eyes and Hatori inherited Katsuki's quirk while Kasumi inherited mine. She's the next holder of All for One and that alone scares me slightly.

I had trouble containing my quirk over the years so I don't want my daughter having the same issues. It's crucial that I teach her the fundamentals at a young age too.

I heard footsteps fade back into the living room and I smiled up at my husband as he sat down next to me on the couch I had moved to. "God those kids are a handful." He chuckled shaking his head a bit.

I laughed, "They sure are." I sipped on the strawberry milk carton I was holding. Katsuki pulled me into his lap earning a squeak out if me. I blushed pink when he placed a light kiss on the back of my neck.

"How was your mission with Deku?" He asked me in a whisper. I smiled, "He's a little bitch. The fucker almost blew our cover over a cinnamon roll." I rolled my eyes at the thought.

Kats chuckled, "Some things never change." He hummed as he played with my hair. It was quiet for a while and Kats broke it to speak, "What's wrong?" He asked in a concerned voice.

I shook my head and he turned me around on his lap, narrowing his red eyes in warning. I let out a heavy sigh and dropped my head to his shoulder as I cuddle closer to him.

"How do you know me so well?" I chuckled dryly. He pulled me closer, leaning back in the couch, "We've been together for eleven years love. I tend to pay attention to the things I love." He said.

I placed a chaste kiss on his cheek in response and he looked at me expectantly. I bit my lip, "Kats I'm worried about Kasumi." I confessed as I fiddled with my wedding ring.

He furrowed his brows, "What do you mean? What's wrong with Kasumi?" He asked in slight panic. I shook my head, "Nothing urgent, it's just-" I cut myself off.

I worried my lip some more, "I dont want her to struggle with All for One like I did. I mean it took me nineteen years to be able to control it at my own will." I frowned as I gazed into the warm fire place below our huge T.V.

He shook his head, "She'll get it under control. She has your help so I'm sure she'll be fine." He comforted me as he rubbed my lower back.

I hummed, "I hope you're right. Have you been training Hatori?" I asked my husband. He hummed in reply, "Yeah, I have. We had another training session today. He's getting stronger every day." He muttered into my shoulder.

I hummed in response as we basked in the peaceful silence. The kids were always running around or arguing so it was rare that we'd get such tranquility.

Life was good for us. We had a good job, huge mansion, cute kids, amazing friends and family- we were set for life. I love where we are right now. It truly is a blessing.

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