Chapter 4

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We were standing infront of Uncle Z so he could tell us what we needed to improve on. He didn't say anything about me though.

He then dismissed class and everyone started walking out to go change. I stayed back though. After the last person left I spoke up.

"What the actual fuck happened to me back there!?" I questioned my dad. Uncle Z stood there awkwardly. "Calm down Y/-" My dad said but I interrupted him.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" I raged because who wouldn't? He had been lying to me for months. Aizawa sighed, "You need to tell her Toshinori." I raised a brow, "Tell me what? Huh?"

"I thought we didn't keep secrets from eachother." I said extremely mad at my dad. Because we didn't keep things from eachother. Atleast I didn't. "We don't, I just..." He trailed off, seemingly unsure of himself now.

"Just what dad? I don't know what the hell is happening to me but I fainted today for no damn reason, not only that but my quirk is acting up too."

"I chose a successor!" He blurted out. My eyes widened and it finally clicked.

The reason why I fainted at the same time as that boy, the reason my quirk is acting up, it all makes sense now. He chose a successor which means One for all has a new owner.

I took a deep breath, "And you didn't FUCKING TELL ME!!" I screamed, my voice shrill through the gymnasium. "Calm down Y/N." Uncle Z tried to urge me.

"Calm down? You're telling ME to calm down!?" I seethed, my nostrils flaring. "Yes." He deadpanned.

I took a deep breath, "So you mean to tell me One for all has a new owner therefore my-" I was cutoff as Aizawa put his hand over my mouth.

I furrowed my brows at him. "Whoever is hiding behind that door, come out right now or you'll be expelled." He called out.

I looked towards the door and my eyes widened as Bakugo came walking in.
"What are you doing eavesdropping on a private conversation Bakugo?" Uncle Z said in a prim voice.

"I- uh...came back in to get...", He looked around the room. "Shitty hairs water bottle, yeah." He lied. It was an obvious lie aswell.

Aizawa sighed, "I have half the mind to expell you right now. Listening to a private conversation between teachers is a breach of school protocol." He said coldly.

I licked the palm of his hand that was still on my mouth to shut me up and he whipped it off my face and glared at me while rubbing the palm of his hand on his clothes.

I rolled my eyes, "I don't think you need to take action against him. Bakahoe, here probably did come back for that bottle and stopped when he heard the conversation."

He sighed, "He broke the rules, N/N. He needs to learn his lesson. I can't jus-" I cut him off.

"Cut him some slack, will ya? I'm pretty sure your nosey ass would've done the same if Toshi and I were talking."

He rolled his eyes, "Fine. Bakugo how much did you hear?" He questioned.

Bakugo contemplated for a moment. "If you lie, I'll know, and then you'll definitely be expelled." Aizawa said.

"I heard all of it." He confessed. I sighed, "Then you'll have to keep it a secret."

"Keep what a secret? I didn't understand a damn thing you were talking about besides the successor part but that was still confusing." He grumped with a scowl.

"Good. Just keep it a secret and you won't be expelled." Aizawa adjustedhis sleeves as he spoke. I scoffed, "Shut it zawa, we both know that's an intimidation tactic."

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