Chapter 106

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I just got back from my patrol. It was Friday night which meant I had the earlier shift so as soon as the last bell rang, I headed straight for Tokyo.

I sighed as I slumped onto the pavement from soaring through sky. This shift drained me but atleast it's not dark yet. I opened the dorm doors, immediately being met by the chaos of an argument.

Katsuki and Shoto were having a one sided argument. As my boyfriend screamed at him, Sho sat unbothered as he ate his Soba. I cursed internally at their interaction as I was quite tired.

"What's wrong now?" I exhaled as threw my car keys on the entry table. Kami walked over and stood next to me, observing the argument. "Todoroki said he had baby pictures of you and Bakugo wants them." He said with a snicker.

My eyes widened and Katsuki shouted at Sho, "She's my girlfriend!" He screamed at the half and half. Sho locked eyes with him, "And I value my life." He monotoned, eating his Soba nonchanlantly.

"You're not getting my baby pictures." I said in an icy tone that sent shivers down everyone's spine. Kats turned to me in a slow motion, "Since when did you get back?" He asked as he walked over to me.

I shrugged as he embraced me in a hug. I sighed heavily as I clung to his shirt like it was the last thing I'll ever touch. He rubbed my back and then pulled away.

"You know how much I love you." He whispered. I rolled my eyes and turned around towards the elevator. "You're not getting my baby pictures." I scoffed as I walked down the hall.

"Oh come on!" He shouted in rage. I giggled and went to get changed. I did some home work and an hour later, I walked back down to the common room.

I sat on the sofa and ate some potato chips as I watched my favorite anime. Mina sat with me as we watched, gasping at the major plot twists then pausing it to share our shock.

About 2 episodes later Kats and Kiri walked into the common room. They walked over to us and we got up, jumping on them happily.

They fell to the floor in an oof over our respective forces. They chuckled and we got up sitting on the couch, Mina cuddling her boyfriend while I hugged mine as we watched.

The doors flung open and Aizawa ran in, disheveled and out of breath. I shot up and looked at him in worry. "Y/N..." He breathed, hands on his knees and head down.

"What's wrong!? Are you okay!? Is there an emergency!?" I shouted as I clambered off of the sofa and frantically looked at him. He stood straight, "It's Eri." He said in urgency.

She had ran away, he said. He picked her up from school today and when they got back home, she up and left while he was in the shower.

My eyes widened in horror. I ran to the entry table, grabbing my car keys and flinging the door open. Katsuki ran after me, "Where the hell are you going Blasty?" He asked me as he chased me down the drive after he threw his shoes and coat on.

I ran down the U.A path and clicked my car keys to send the car over to the front of the school. In a matter of minutes, the car raced to the entrance at blinding speeds.

Kats was screaming at me to slow down and I teleported inside the car. He knocked onto my window and I opened the passenger door in response. He slid over the hood and into the passenger seat.

He closed the door and I sped off down the road. He shot question after question at me but I simply told him I'd explain later. My house gate opened and I sped through the courtyard, hopping out of the car and rushing up the steps to my front door.

Katsuki trailed behind me as I opened the door and ran through the mansion. I didn't waste my time in removing my shoes, I just ran. I climbed up the stairs and through the many many halls my house had.

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