Chapter 91

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The billboard awards are in three days. Everyday I've been busy with interviews, meetings, my publicist- you name it. I've barely had the time to catch up on my school work or hang out with my friends.

Last night I pulled an all nighter to get up to date with everything I've been missing at school so this morning, I feel shitty. I sluggishly walked out of the elevator and into the kitchen.

"Denki you're going to spill the fucking hot water all over the floor!" Mina scolded the blond. I made a B-line for the coffee maker and everyone went silent as they now noticed my presence.

"Good morning Y/N!" Ocha buzzed. I nodded my head and poured the hot liquid into my cup. "What's up with you?" Kiri asked quiking a brow as he sat on the counter top next to the coffee maker.

"I'm fine." I monotoned. "Clearly you're not. Why are you so...tired?" Sho asked. I frowned, "Rude." I scoffed at his blatant jab.

"I mean you look like Hitoshi right now." He explained as he ate a bagel. I hummed, "Books. Billboard. School." I muttered sporadically hoping to answer his question. "Please don't tell me you pulled an all nighter." Kyo sighed.

"I pulled an all nighter." I mumbled as I drank my coffee. "Shoto's right. You're starting to look like Shinso." Mina said as she ate her pancakes. I rolled my eyes at their half hearted insults and walked out of the kitchen.

I sat down on the couch and put the T.V on. I was about to relax when I got a call. I sighed, taking my phone out, "Hello?" I mumbled into the electronic device.

"Y/N! Did I tell you!?" Keigo shouted down the phone. It sounded like he was flying as wind hit the phone at high speeds. I sighed, "What Keigo?" I asked him too tired to deal with his shit.

Kats walked into the common room and saw me sitting on the sofa. He walked over and sat next to me. I gave him a small smile in greeting, while I spoke to Keigo on the phone. I noticed him furrow his brows heavily before I turned back to Keigo.

"You need a date for the billboard awards!" Keigo shouted in a rush. My eyes widened, "Why the fuck didn't you tell me!?" I shouted at him down the phone.

"I forgot! Just bring your boyfriend or something, don't freak out." He said in response. I sighed heavily, "It doesn't work like that you peice of shit!" I shouted at him.

I sighed, "Sorry." I paused realizing my tone was far too harsh, even for me. "I'm just really tired right now and this means I have to do more shit." I mumbled. He sighed, "It's alright. Remember to take care of yourself please." He said in a soft brotherly tone.

I hummed, "Thanks Keigo. Cya soon." I said. He said his goodbyes and he hung up. I sighed heavily and dropped my phone on the couch, putting my head in my hands.

"Fucking hell." I muttered into my palm. I felt a hand rub my back and I knew it was Katsuki. "Hey. Are you alright?" He asked me.

I shook my head and sat up straight. I frowned and he pulled me into his chest. I hugged him and snuggled into him more. "What's wrong princess?" He asked softly, his concern sending my heart into over drive.

"I've just been really overwhelmed lately. I've been missing alot of school and it's been affecting my sleep." I told him. He frowned, "Dumbass. You need to sleep properly." He mumbled into my hair, anger pinching his tone.

I sighed, "I know but I've been really busy and now there's another thing I need to deal with." I said into his chest. "What's that?" He quizzed as he stroked my hair.

"Keigo just called me to tell me I need a date for the billboards. I want you to be my date but I don't want to burden you. It'll be alot of press and shit, not that you can't handle it-" he cut me off.

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