The Makings Of Greatness

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Genevieve's P.O.V.

"I did a bad thing..."

I groan in panic while coming up between Luke and Evander; they both send each other a look before raising an eyebrow at me. The three of us are walking down the hall in the Jedi Temple and I'm hoping no one notices the accidentally destroyed door to the library. My older brother then tilts his head at me before asking.

"Does it affect me?"

I frown for a second, thinking about his answer as we walk through the hall. The three of us are in our formal Jedi attire, and I'm sure the boys just came from the training gym. After a second of thinking about my answer, I shake my head and tell him.


"Then suffer in silence."

My brother blurts out, and I give him a bored look while Luke tries not to laugh. I let out a frustrated breath and stomp my foot at the boys. Of course they won't help me, they're too high and mighty to try to fix what I broke.

Luke and Evander are twelve years old; they're top in their class and closer than ever. I'm eight years old and they never let me forget it. Apparently, I'm just the annoying little sister who they have to know.

We've been living at the Jedi Temple for two years and it's been a blast. Evander and Luke are in the classes trained by Master Windu while me and my little brother, Jinn, are in Master Yoda's class. In a few years, we'll all be assigned Masters but none of us know who yet.

Leia comes to visit us every once in a while from Naboo. Like her mother, she is being groomed to be a Queen and Senator. She's the same age as Luke and Evander, but she's much nicer to me than them; She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember.

Following the boys down the hall, I sense them wanting to find a way to get rid of me. When we turn the corner, I notice Jinn staring at the wall in the hall. He's seven now and is the biggest scared loth cat I know.

The three of us come up to him and see what he's staring at on the wall. We come to his side and look at the large mural with him. It's a huge painting on the wall of our mother and father.

My mother is in a wedding dress and my father is in front of her wearing a dark Jedi attire. They are holding each other's hands with smiles on their faces. They look so young and beautiful in the painting; we've seen this painting a million times since moving here.

Our parents told us why the Jedi Temple has a painting of them; before mom and dad, Jedi weren't allowed to get married. Mom changed the way the Jedi Order saw love, and they allowed her to marry our father. It was the first wedding to be recorded in the Jedi archives and was a historical day for the Jedi Order.

Glancing at the bottom of the wall, I see in words in gold paint; The Makings Of Greatness. Our parents told us plenty of their old Jedi and war story, but to be honest, their wedding story is the most boring one to me. Though Jinn loves it; it's his favorite one and I believe it's because it has a happy ending that doesn't involve violence.

"Be back, they will."

We hear Master Yoda's voice in the hall, making all of us turn our heads. He's walking slowly down the hall towards us while glancing at the Mural. It's only now I realize why Jinn's been staring at it; he's worried our parents won't return from their mission alive.

At the moment, mom and dad are hunting down Maul to put a stop to his gang forming in the outer rims. They've been gone for a week and haven't given the Jedi Council any reports. Coming to stand beside us, Yoda points at the mural and speaks up.

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