Not The Same As It Was

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Vale's P.O.V.

"This is mean, Obi-Wan."

I whisper while turning away from him and crossing my arms over my chest. I have on a white see-through cover up over my bikini and Obi-wan has on his swim trunk with a t-shirt. We're in an infirmary at the Village on Spira; the medical droids here have just done pregnancy tests on me by Obi-Wan's request.

We're in a hospital room waiting for the results, and I feel utterly betrayed by my new husband. I'm wandering away from him in the room feeling completely hurt by him asking me to take these tests. After a moment, I feel a gentle hand on my waist as I hear Obi-Wan say.

"I'm telling you, darling... I felt another life form in you from the force."

"Kenobi, I am not pregnant." I snap at him and turn to face him. "It's impossible for me to have a child."

Half an hour ago, Obi-Wan made us go to the village to the infirmary. Once we were at the village, he finally told me why he wanted us to go. For some reason, he believes I'm pregnant and pleaded with me to get some tests done.

I only did it because I sense he would not take no for an answer. Though, it's sickening for me to have to do with when knowing I'll never be able to have kids. The treatment I got years ago is nonreversible and the medical droids had told me I'd never be able to get pregnant.

"Will you trust me on this, Vale?" Obi-Wan sighs and tilts his head with a conflicted gaze. "I know what I felt, and I'm not doing this to hurt you."

"How can I be pregnant, though?" I blurt out at this situation he put me in during our honeymoon. Stepping toward him, I raise my hands in the air and think out loud. "It makes no sense, Obi-Wan!"

"Valera... Do you trust me?"

Obi-Wan asks again in a begging tone, making rub my face and trying to stay calm. Closing my eyes, I try not to let out frustrated tears at being in a situation such as this one. Next thing I feel is Obi-Wan wrap his arms around me and pulling me to his chest saying.

"I'm sorry."

"Obi-Wan, I do trust you..." I whimper into his chest as I think of what the medical droid will say when it comes in to tell us the results. Knowing it's going to be the only answer possible, I whisper. "I don't want to hear what I already know."

"Vale, darling... Look at me." Obi-Wan mumbles while setting his hands on my cheeks. When I look at him, I find nothing but certainty in his expression as he assures me. "I wouldn't dare put you in this situation if I wasn't sure."

Tilting my head and letting out a breath, I nod slowly at him, knowing he's speaking the truth. He wouldn't do this if he wasn't positivity in what he believes. Though, he could believe in something and it still be wrong.

As his wife, though, I will stand by him and what he believes in. Taking in a deep breath, I take his hand and squeeze it. He smiles at me in tenderness and in thanks while keeping our hands locked together. A heartbeat later, the door to the room opens and I spin around to find a medic droid.

"I have your results, Mr. and Ms. Kenobi." The medical droid announces while going to a desk against the wall and setting up something. While tinkering with the desk, the droid explains to us slowly. "I apologise for the wait... You did say you got a sterilization surgery, Ms. Kenobi? Isn't that correct?"

"Yes, almost four years ago." I answer quickly while commenting on the obvious. "They informed me the surgery would never allow me to have children."

"Well, the surgery blocks the fallopian tubes to prevent a seed from entering."

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