A General Jedi Master Becomes A Slave

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Vale's P.O.V.

"As you can see, we have slaves for all conditions."

I hear a woman announce as doors open up from one end of the room. Standing up from where I sit on the ground, I glance around my cage, searching for who has come in. I'm in an enormous room that has several clear glass cells.

There are rows of these glass cages and you can see everything going on in each of them. I've tried to crack the wall, but when you touch the walls, it electrocutes you. I've thrown everything in my cell at the clear glass walls and it has done nothing.

Every cell has a decent size bed with fancy pillows, cushion chairs and a coffee table with elegant decor. I assume it's to give off the illusion that who's ever in the cage is worth the price the seller set for the slave. However, my room looks completely torn apart, as if an animal was in it.

Men, woman and children of many species are in the same type of cage I'm in. The children are in servant clothing, woman are is seductive attire and the men only wear pants. By the looks of it, this city works closely with the black market by how diverse their slaves are. I'd bet my life that everything in the city was once bought from the black market.

"Some might be more costly than others, but rest assure it's for an appropriate reason."

I hear a woman say through the hallway, and I come near the glass wall facing the hall. Glancing at the surrounding people in the cells, I see them all wait on their chair nervously to see who's coming. I stay standing in front of the glass wall, patiently waiting to tell them who I am.

I've been in this cell for two days so far and no one has walked through the halls until just now. When the guards at the gate brought me into the city, they took me to a facility that groomed slaves to be auctioned. First thing they did was mark a number into my shoulder and put the number into their data system.

They burned the number into my shoulder so my number is still raw with the color red. However, they didn't put a tracking chip inside me. Making me believe whoever buys me will have the choice to spend money on a tracker or not.

After marking me, they washed my body and groomed my hair. Then workers forced me into a slave attire and when they were satisfied with the job, they took me here. The guards kept my mouth covered in cloth the entire time until they put me in this cell.

"We do offer deals when it comes to women and children, but this row is not included."

A woman says just as she walks down the hallway. I get sight of the woman speaking and I see she's a Zygerrian and I instantly think this must be the Zygerria system. She has a group of people surrounding her as walks and they all inspect each cell.

"I can guarantee you that any number from this row will be a tremendous asset- Oh, my lord."

The woman's words cut off when seeing the inside of my cell. Her eyes are wide when seeing all the furniture and objects in my cage broken or laying face down. When I see that I have the woman's and group's attention, I shout at them.

"I crashed onto your planet by mistake! I'm Jedi Master Valera Palpatine!"

"I'm so sorry. Most slaves that come through here never act this way."

The woman informs to her group, and I take a second to realize they can't hear me. Scanning the glass walls, I try to figure out why I can hear them, but they can't hear. That's when I notice a speaker in the top corner of my cell where her voice is coming from.

Frowning at the speaker, I peer back to the group and find a man stepping toward my cell. His eyes rank up my body curiously and I suddenly feel like a helpless caged animal. My attire doesn't help at all either from it showing so much skin.

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