Two Left Feet

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Yoda's P.O.V.

"Anakin did not take to his new assignment with much enthusiasm."

Obi-Wan speaks up while sitting beside Mace Windu. Valera sits beside me on the cruiser flying to the Clone Base on Coruscant. The three of them are escorting me to the Clone's Base docking ship for my departure to support the Wookies.

"It's very dangerous, putting them together." Master Windu speaks up about Anakin and the Chancellor. "I don't think the boy can handle it. I don't trust him."

"With all due respect, Master, is he not the chosen one?" Obi-Wan then asks from where he sits across from Valera. "Is he not destroy the Sith and bring balance to the force?"

"So the prophecy says."

Mace Windu states in a doubting tone, which makes me rub the back of my head anxiously. I glance to Valera, who's sitting beside me, and find her twiddling with a pearl on a necklace. When peering back at Obi-Wan, I find him watching Valera, worried for her.

My eyes go to the ground, ignoring the longing and affection gazes coming from Master Palpatine and Kenobi. One of these days, I'll have to acknowledge their looks to one another. However, I'm unsure if will it before or after the war is over.

"A prophecy that misread could have been." I finally speak up, pretending I don't see what's between Valera and Obi-Wan, as usual. Tilting my head, I suggest knowing it's probably not true. "The Chosen one... If not Anakin, Valera still could be."

"Anakin will not let us done." Valera speaks up confidently and I sense she knows she's not the Chosen one of this prophecy. Nodding to agree with her, Obi-Wan adds. "He never has."

"I hope right you are."

I sigh just as the cruiser lands onto the docking bay on the Clone Base. Nodding to the three in goodbye, I stand up and step off the ship. Taking one last look at them before I leave to defend the Wookies, I sense uncertainty in all three of them.

Vale's P.O.V.

My mind won't stop thinking; I try to stay in the present, but all I can think about is the past and future. My mind keeps going to thoughts of my mother and father's past, then to the Jedi Order and Republic's future. When I think of Obi-Wan and me, my gut twist when sensing a painful realism for us.

Obi-Wan and I are in his bedroom at the moment; he's looking over reports of where General Grevious could be. I've just gotten out of the shower and I'm getting dressed currently. Obi-Wan's sitting at his desk while I'm taking clothes out of one of his drawers that's filled with my things.

My hair is a wavy wet mess around my face and shoulders that ends just below my breasts. I have on tight brown pants; my black belt and boots are discarded beside his bed. Grabbing a white tank top, I pull it over my head to cover my bare chest.

The shirt ends right at my belly button, making it show a line of skin between the shirt and pants. I grab white socks to put on with my mind wandering to the memory of Obi-Wan proposing to me. Letting out a sigh, I put my socks onto my feet and try to ignore the fear of that never happening.

Lately, I've been feeling like we'll never get married and if we get the chance, it would be in secret. However, I fear we'll never get the time to even say our vows or we'll die before saying them. Frowning at the thoughts, I go to grab my belt when I feel something grab onto one of my belt loops on my pants.

"We're going to get married, darling." I hear Obi-Wan speak up and I realize he's been listening to my thoughts with the force. He turns me around to face him and smiles while offering. "Have faith."

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