Seen Better Days

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Vale's P.O.V.

Stirring awake, I glance around and find myself laying on a metal floor. Sitting up, I notice an three gray metal walls and one electrical blue wall in front of me. I can see through the blue wall and into the hallway.

Separatist battle droids are walking past me down the hall in units. Peering to my belt, I see I'm missing my light saber. Sighing to myself and ignoring my headache, I take off one of my boots and toss it at the electrical blue wall.

The blue wall makes a zapping sound against the boot before it flies back at me. I catch it with ease before putting it back on my foot. Standing up, I get as close as I can to the electrical wall and try to see what's in the hall.

I see a few other cages like this one, but they're all empty. The Separatists must have put my father somewhere else to keep us apart. Watching battle droids pass me in the hall, I go back to the floor to sit down.

Leaning my back against the wall, I casually watch out the blue wall in boredom. I can assume they're not trying to kill me. Perhaps Darth Sidious still wants me since I'm still alive; it's been months since I've run into a bounty hunter trying to get me for the Dark Lord.

Glancing around the empty room, I take in a deep breath and think; another day, another cage. I'm either in a cage or in a battle and neither guarantees my life. The Jedi Council is probably already making plans for me and my father's rescue mission.

I'm sure Obi-Wan and Anakin will be assigned to the mission to save us. Yet, I'm tired of being saved or having to save someone. For once, I'd like for everything to be alright in the galaxy. What I'd give for just one week in Spira with Obi-Wan and Anakin again.

We didn't know the luxury we had back then, but we're well aware of it now. I feel defeated from sitting in a cage yet again. This never ends. I will be in cages and battles until one finally takes my life.

The only question is when will my time run out? As I sit in the silence, I notice a faint sound of boots walking down the hall. I keep my eyes on the ground, waiting to see if those parts of boots are coming towards me.

"You've seen better days, Master Jedi."

I hear the voice of Count Dooku on the other side of the electric blue wall. My gaze goes up and I find him standing in front of my cell with his hands behind his back like Qui-Gon used to do. Smiling thinly, I look back at the ground in front of me and mumble.

"No thanks to you." One of my hands goes to the pearl on my necklace, as I ask indifferently. "Are you here to kill me, Count Dooku?"

"Fortunately, no." He answers proudly as if he's doing me justice. "I'm here to convince you."

"You're the reason I had a miscarriage." I snort as I think about the last time I saw him. Glancing at him in disgust, I murmur like it's set in stone. "Your time to convince me of anything has come and gone."

"Yes, well... It was to impair my former Master's vision." He admits while glancing around the hall and adding. "Though it was greatly affective on Master Yoda... I'm sorry it was at your expense." My eyes dart away from him in anger as he continues. "However, putting that aside for the time being. I urge you to submit to the Dark Lord-"

"You want me to serve the man who started this war, who took so many innocent lives?" I blurt out in shock as I peer up at him from where I sit. "The man who has destroyed-"

"I want you to serve the galaxy. Join the Separatist movement." Count Dooku announces while cutting off my words. I stare at him with a stiff expression as I listen to him say. "Help me with the war and become an apprentice of the Dark Lord... Darth Sidious sees you as a woman with loyalty. If you surrender and join the dark side, he will spare your life."

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