We're Smarter Than This

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Vale's P.O.V.

"Do it."

My mouth drops at the sight of Anakin taking off Count Dooku's head. I sense Anakin in conflict from what he's done. Though, my father seems pleased he listened to him.

"You did well, Anakin." He speaks up in a proud tone, making me frown at the scene I'm watching. Staring at my father in alarm, he continues to say to Anakin. "He was too dangerous to be kept alive."

"Yes, but he was an unarmed prisoner." Ani mumbles in regret while going to unlock my father's restraints. "I shouldn't have done that. It's not the Jedi way."

"It's only natural." The Chancellor comments all too innocent. "He cut off your hand, and you wanted revenge."

"We do not get revenge, father. Anakin, do not listen to him." I blurt out while standing up from where I'm kneeling. Walking toward Anakin and my father, I point at my father and inform him in a threatening tone. "From now on, I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself when around Jedi matters."

My father stares at me as if he doesn't even notice he's influencing Anakin. Worry strikes in me at the idea of my father treating Ani how he does with me. Turning to face Anakin, I rest a hand on his shoulders, saying in a serious tone.

"Whenever in doubt, let the light side guide you. Trust nothing less than the force."

Anakin nods, understanding what I'm telling him as his friend and as his family. I felt the light side calling him to spare Count Dooku's life; that's what I felt him unconsciously want to do. However, he allowed his feeling and my father conflict the surrounding light side.

I sense conflict in him and the only source I can feel it coming from is my father. Seeing Anakin now in conflict and confusion, I know with certainty that my father has treated Ani like he does with me. Though, by the looks of it, it's not as easy for Anakin to ignore my father's advice as it is for me.

"I'm sorry, V... I..." Anakin sighs, feeling the guilt of taking a life that he had no need to. "I don't know-"

"It's alright, Anakin." I mumble and pat his chest while adding. "Just trust my judgment next time. Have I ever steered you wrong?"

"No, you haven't. I will try to do better next time."

He answers immediately and for a moment I see the little kid Obi-Wan and I once trained. Smiling at him tiredly, I find the same expression I've seen for years now; the expression of a boy who has nothing but faith, trust, and respect toward me. I nod to him in thanks to his reassurance just before my father then walks past us, saying.

"We must leave before more security droids arrive."

"Anakin, Obi-Wan's still alive. He is just unconscious." I speak up and stride towards Obi-Wan, still laying unconscious on the ground. "... But, I can't carry him."

Coming to my side, Anakin kneels and checks his pulse. Peering up at me, he nods and I help him move Kenobi on his back. A moment later, my father comes up to us with a stern expression and says.

"There's no time. We must get off this ship before it's too late."

"He seems to be alright."

Anakin argues lightly to my father as I get Kenobi on his back. Glancing at my father with my eyebrows scrunch, I can't understand what's gotten into my father's behavior. Raising his eyes at Anakin, my father blurts out in impatiently.

"Leave him or we'll never make it."

Anakin and I share a look then when hearing his words. We can both sense his motive is off for daring to propose that to us. It might be normal to offer that if we barely knew Obi-Wan, but he's like family and my father knows this.

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