Valera Palpatine

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Vale's P.O.V.

"That's amazing." My father pats my back, smiling while thinking out loud. "Only the strongest can wield an orange blade."

"Yeah..." I frown, surprised my father knows the meaning of my color saber. "It's meant for users with great strength, compassion and allegiance to the light side."

I'm walking beside my father in the hall. The celebration dinner just ended, and everyone has left to go back to their rooms for the night. My father offered to walk me back to my room, which I couldn't say no to.

I wore one of the pink dresses in my closet to dress up for the dinner. Mace Windu didn't seem to mind, but he still wore his regular uniform. At dinner, I watch telling stories to my father with Padme listening on the other side of me.

Overall, it was a wonderful dinner, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. As we walk down the hall toward my bedroom, I sense my father's overjoyed at having this time with me. It only makes me feel guilty for spending most of the day with Padme.

We talked for hours about our lives. Padme told me about what she's done for Naboo and what she plans to do in the future. I've told her about all my missions and pranks I've done in between. We basically told each other what happened in the last eight years in a matter of a few hours.

"It's amazing." My father sighs with his hands behind his back. "You grew into quite a woman, Valera."

I smile as he says my given name. No one ever says it anymore. He's only said a few times when I was a child and did something terrible. This might be the first time anyone has ever said it in a good way.

"Thank you, father." I speak up and glance at my feet as we walk. There's a moment of silence until he blurts out in a recognizing tone. "... And Obi-Wan sounds like he's becoming an honorable man."

"He does?" I mumble as my eyes go up to my father. He smirks and shrugs his shoulders before pointing out. "Well... The way you paint him out to be."

"Oh..." I feel my cheeks grow pink when I realize I must have talked about him a lot at dinner. "He has been a great deal to me in the last eight years."

"I'm glad." My father chuckles as we reach my bedroom door. "Everyone needs someone. It's love that strengthens us."

"We aren't supposed to love, father." I point out chuckling as I stop walking and turn to face him. He lets out a breath and rolls his eyes, before confessing. "That's what the Jedi Order believes, huh?... Well, I don't know about that. I think love is the second most powerful thing." Winking, my father whispers teasingly. "The force would be the first... Goodnight, my dear."


I smile before opening my door and stepping in. Going to my bathroom, my father's words linger in my mind. It confuses me how love would be powerful. It's only a feeling. Yet, a feeling Jedi shouldn't dwell or try to have.

Changing into my night attire, I think about Obi-Wan. As memories play in my minds, I feel more confused about the meaning of love. I care for Obi-Wan and cherish him more than most in the Jedi Order, but that wouldn't mean I love him, does it?

~Months Later~

"Thank you for receiving my call. I'm not bothering you, am I?"

"Not at all. Me and my Padawan just finished our mission." I hear Qui-Gon's voice in the room. "We're heading back to the Jedi Temple as we speak. Is something wrong?"

"Yes, but it's not urgent." Mace Windu speaks up. "It's about Vale... And her behavior."

Blinking a few times, I feel myself get tense. Mace Windu is on our ship calling my old Master. It's been months since I heard his voice of even seen him. Peeking past the door I'm hiding behind, I see Qui-Gon's hologram in front of Windu.

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