Trade Federation

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Vale's P.O.V.

"The Trade Federation still has blockade Naboo." 

"Are you sure this is legal?"

"Unfortunately, yes... But the Galactic Republic will soon agree to send out ambassadors to resolve this matter."

"I have a bad feeling about this, Master." I speak up to my Windu in the hologram. "If this is a minor dispute, it should've resolved a month ago."

"I agree. Something is off." 

He admits on our call in a low tone, and I lean back in my seat, thinking about what can be done. It's been two years since I've come back to Naboo. A few months ago, Master Windu left to meet with the council when hearing what the Trade Federation plans to do.

He left me on Naboo to keep thinking he'll be back in a week. However, because of the Trade Federation's legal blockade, no one can come or leave Naboo. There have been no imports or exports in months and the people are getting worried.

"I want you to keep a lookout for the Queen. Protect her until this matter's resolved." Mace Windu speaks up again after a moment of silence. "I fear this will lead to something bigger. Be prepared, Valera."

"I will, Master." I nod in concern for Naboo with Windu and my father stuck on Coruscant. Thinking of my father and how he recently became the Senator for Naboo, I ask intrigued. "Has my father done anything to convince the Galactic Republic?"

"Senator Palpatine is in a meeting with the Galactic Senate as we speak." Windu confesses while lowering his voice. "He's urging them to use two of our Knights to go as ambassadors. If he exceeds, this dispute should end soon."

"All right. Thank you, Master." 

"You're welcome. I'll reach out to you as soon as we have new intel of the matter. May the force be with you."

"And may the force be with you, Master."

Ending the call, I put my device into my pocket and stand up from my couch. This is unusual for the trade Federation, they've never done this before. Over the past few months, I've been serving the Queen as a protector and advisor because of the dispute going on.

It was a request of Master Windu, Senator Palpatine and Padme herself. Which I could not say no to. This Windu and my father at Coruscant, Padme and I have had to deal with the lack of exports for Naboo. 

Out of all planets, I did not expect this to happen to a peaceful system like Naboo.

~Day's Later~

"... How could that be true? I have assurances from the Chancellor... His ambassadors did arrive. It must be the... Get... Negotiate..."

The hologram of Palpatine sputters and fades away. I'm beside the Queen's throne in the grand hall. Her handmaidens, advisors, and the military captain are with us, watching the hologram of my father. 

This was the day Mace Windu told us the Ambassadors or "Jedi Knights" will meet with the Trade Federation. However, half an hour ago, the Federation informed us no one came to meet them to discuss the dispute. Only to now lose our call with my father on Coruscant.

"Senator Palpatine?" When the call doesn't come back on, she turns to the Captain of her army, Panaka. "What's happening?"

"Check the transmission generators..." The Captain orders his Sargeant before one advisor suggests. "A malfunction?"

"No, can't be." I speak up beside the Queen while folding my arms. "Odds are the Federation is jamming our signal."

"A communications disruption can only mean one thing." The Governor then speaks up in a worried voice while looking at the Queen. "Invasion."

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