Just The Two Of Us

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Vale's P.O.V.

"Kenobi! Drop!"

Obi-Wan drops to the ground and I spin away as a blast flies past me. Turning to face the man that shot near us, I wave my hand. Using the force, I pull him toward us as Obi-Wan stands back up. He slices him in half as I pull the thug toward me. I point at him, about to snap at him for killing the guy I was planning to kill when he shouts a few yards away.

"V, your left!"

Without looking, I spin my orange light saber behind me and block a blast shot coming my way. I tilt my head and raise an eyebrow his way, only to make him roll his eyes and shake his head. He turns to attack another radical coming his way and I turn, throwing my saber in the man's direction, who shot at me.

It slices his head off and I bring it back to me using the force. Glancing back at Obi-Wan, I see him fighting off one thug with three closing in on him. Racing over to him, I jump into a spin and land right behind the three men.

With one swift move, I cut them all in half just as Obi-Wan stabs the other one. We glance around us breathlessly. There aren't any more radicals in our range, but it won't be like that for long. Walking towards me, Kenobi catches his breath while reminding me.

"Master should be here any minute now."

"That was ten minutes ago, Kenobi." I argue with him tiredly about our situation. "We can't just stay out here like sitting dice."

"This is where he said he'd pick us up."

"And I said we all should stay together."

"They'd spot us in a second with we all stay together."

"Um... Hello?" I speak up dramatically while waving around the slaughtered men. "Take a look around us. They did spot us."

"Vale... Please."

Obi-Wan groans while rubbing his forehead in distress. We're on a system the Jedi Council thought wanted to join the Republic. However, this planet had no intentions of joining but trying to capture one of us for leverage.

This planet has never been known to be the smartest, yet one of the most conflicted systems. Their leaders are known thugs and gangsters, but they say they're above that life now. So here we are in the middle of nowhere waiting for Qui-Gon to steal our ship back and pick us up.

I argued we all need to stay together but Qui-Gon thought otherwise because together is too big of a group. I secretly think it's because they don't believe I'd be quiet enough to sneak into the hangar. Jokes on them. I've been sneaking from place to place my whole life, starting with Naboo.

"Perhaps, if we lay down..." I mumble while plopping onto my butt and laying on my back in the dirt. "... And pretend to be dead, no more bums will show up."

"You aren't serious..." Obi-Wan sighs while glancing away from the sky. He's been searching for our ship but when he sees me laying on the ground his mouth drops, "Jesus, Vale. You're ridiculous, you know that?"

"Not as ridiculous as wanting to split up." I point out defensively while folding my arms on top of my stomach. "When has splitting up ever helped?"

"Since you step with your heel- we got company."

Obi-Wan's tone turns serious as he steps over me and unhinges his blade. Lifting my head, I see four groups of a dozen men running in our direction. Jumping to my feet, I stand beside Obi-Wan and lift my saber in my defense stance. As they get closer, I lean into Obi-Wan and whisper.

"I bet you wish we stayed together now-"

"Fine, Vale. You win." Obi-Wan snaps while turning his head to glare at me. "We would've been fine if we stayed together. We'll stay together next time. Now, can we fight them? Together?"

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