It Was Rare

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Vale's P.O.V.

Docking Bay 12.

The words enter my mind and I blink my eye awake. Inches away from me, I find Obi-Wan sleeping. He's sleeping on his side with his hand resting on top of mine. I spent my last night at the Temple beside him.

My eyes linger on his resting face. I've never seen his expression so at ease. Biting my bottom lip, I realize I should pack and head to the docking bay. Mace Windu might already be there waiting for me. 

It won't take me long to get my things in my room. I only need to pack a few books and clothes. Lifting my hand from underneath his, I move it toward his shoulder to wake him.

Yet, when my hand is an inch away from his shoulder, I stop. As if there's a barrier between us or something is physically stopping me. Gulping, I watch him sleeping and thinking I can't wake him up.

Sitting up slowly, I quietly get off the bed without waking him up. Grabbing my shoes from the floor, I turn to glance at him. I know I should wake him up, but for selfish reasons, I won't.

If I wake Obi-Wan, he'll end up helping me pack and walk with me to the Docking bay. He'll give me a proper goodbye and hug me tightly. Just the thought of what Obi-Wan will do makes it feel even harder to leave with Windu.

I don't want to make a scene on the docking bay, but I know I will when parting ways with Kenobi. It would be easier if he wasn't there. That way, I wouldn't physically see what I'll be leaving behind.

So I quietly put on my shoes and head to the front door. Taking one more look at Obi-Wan laying in his bed, I turn and open the door to leave. When out of the room, I walk down the hall towards my bedroom.

Leaving the Temple without Kenobi will be the best for me. I got to say my goodbye to Obi-Wan last night, there's no need to drag out it out longer. He'll understand when he wakes up. This is the only way I can leave him without it destroying my heart.

~The Docking Bay~

"Morning, young Palpatine." Mace Windu smiles down at me. "Are you all packed?"

"Yes, Master."

I offer him a crooked smile while patting my stuffed bag. Qui-Gon stands beside him and the ship we're leaving on his behind them. Glancing around, I make sure I don't see Obi-Wan around before speaking up.

"Are we ready to go?"

"Yes, I've notified Queen Amidala we'll be arriving shortly." Mace Windu nods while glancing behind him at the ship. However, Qui-Gon frowns before scanning the docking bay. He looks worried before confessing. "Before you go, I'm sure Obi-Wan will want to say goodbye. He should be here any moment-"

"We already said our goodbyes this morning." I interrupt him quickly while nod making eye contact with my old Master. "We can leave now, Master Windu."

"Alright then. Until next time, Qui-Gon." 

Master Windu nods to him before turning to enter our ship. Qui-Gon nods goodbye to him, but his eyes are still searching around the docking bay. Glancing at his face, I his expression filled with confusion and uncertainty.

When he's done scanning our surroundings, his eyes come back to me. For a second, I get the feeling he doesn't believe me when I said about Obi-Wan. Yet, his face softens, and he rests a hand on my shoulder while speaking up.

"You've done excellent as my Padawan... I couldn't be more proud of who you've become."

"Thank you."

"I must warn you, though." Qui-Gon holds my gaze while dropping his hand from my shoulder. "Windu is more stern about the Jedi Order... He is on the council. So... I advise you to keep your shenanigans to a minimum." Smile at me, he points out knowingly. "It's just you now. Only you."

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