Stuck Together

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Obi-Wan's P.O.V.

"Should we stay a day more for further investigation?"

"No, anymore and we'll be intruding." Master Windu answers through the hologram. "The information you gave us enough to go off. Good work, the both of you."

"Thank you, Master."

Vale and I say together, side by side, in the kitchen. Anakin's still sleeping in his room since it's early in the morning. The sun is just now rising, but neither Vale and I could get much sleep.

So instead, we called the council to give them our report. Overall, I think we only got about two hours of sleep last night. Though, Anakin's still passed out like a kid who stayed up all night.

"You two work remarkable together... No doubt from your years of training together. Those years have proven to serve you well." Windu points out honestly before informing us. "I will notify the Supreme Chancellor at once and see what actions can be taken."

"Do you have another mission for us?" Vale speaks up curiously into the hologram. "We brought supplies for a week trip. If you need us somewhere else, we can go without making a stop at Coruscant."

"No, it's best you come back to the Temple at your earliest convince. We're all quite impressed by your performance for this mission in the span of two days." Mace Windu explains while waving his hand at us through the blue hologram. "Once I've discussed with the Council about your performance, we'll give you your next directive in the following days. Be safe coming home and may the force be with you."

"May the force be with you."

We answer back together before ending the communications. I put the device back in my pocket before picking up my mug of hot coffee. Vale leans on the counter while grabbing her mug.

We're silent for a moment as we drink ourselves awake. Neither one got sleep from our active minds last night. Still, as we drink our coffee, our minds still consumed by what happened between us.

Staring out the window as the sun rises slowly, my mind flashes the memories I've had of Vale last night. Sensing she's thinking the same thing at this moment, I peek a glance at her. I turn to pour more coffee in my mug when I hear Vale speak up about the exact thing we're have not dared to dwell on.

"What going to happen now?"

"I don't know..."

I answer honestly, while moving to lean on the counter across from her. Staring at each other with blank expressions, I know what she's applying. She's asking if we're going to keep our distance and talk less after what happened last night.

Vale's wondering if this kiss will change how we are with one another. Genuinely, I'm not sure what will happen now between us. I know I shouldn't be feeling what I do for her, but I sense we're passing the point of no return. Taking in a breath, I shrug my shoulders and look out the window, mumbling.

"I suppose we try to forget..."

"What if..." Vale speaks up in a whisper while setting her mug on the counter. "I don't want to forget, Obi-Wan."

"W-What?" I stand up straighter from her confession, not daring my eyes to leave her. "Vale..."

"Kenobi, I..." Vale walks across the kitchen to stand in front of me. I see her torment expression as she whispers for only us to hear. "I know the code forbids it... But if you feel even an ounce of what I think you do for me then-"

"I don't."

"If you did, though..." She continues in the faintest tone I've ever heard from her. Her head's raised to look at me from how close she is. "It wouldn't be one sided."

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