I Will Do What I Must

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Mace Windu's P.O.V.

"This is Master Valera Palpatine. I have just obtained knowledge that the Supreme Chancellor is the Dark Lord we've been searching for, Darth Sidious. It is vital that we act on this information as quickly as possible."

Valera's hologram message ends and I sense her trying to return to Coruscant as soon as possible. I'm at the Clone Base on Coruscant with other Jedi on the council. We're in the docking bay sector of the clone Base when everything instantly arose.

We've just watch Valera's message after getting the report that Obi-Wan has defeated Grevious and is heading back to Coruscant. I stand in a circle with Jedi Masters Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin and Eeth Koth, who all look just as alarmed as I am. Anakin Skywalker is at my side as he repeats his words from moments ago.

"Just as I said... The Chancellor knows the ways of the force."

I nod to him slowly, realizing he was right; so much has transpired in the time of five minutes. Anakin learning that the Chancellor knows the dark side and reporting it back to me, Obi-Wan defeating Grevious and Valera confirming her father is a Sith Lord; all in that order. Meeting the gazes of the other three Jedi Masters in the circle, I announce to them.

"Our worst fears have been realized." Nodding my head to them, I suggest in all seriousness. "We must move quickly if the Jedi Order is to survive."

The three Jedi Masters nod to me and promptly walk to our cruiser that we flew here on. Turning, I follow behind them with Anakin at my side. As the two of us walk together, Anakin points out sternly.

"Master, the chancellor is very powerful." Meeting my gaze, Skywalker adds in a bold tone. "You'll need my help if you're going to arrest him."

"For your own good, stay out of this affair." I suggest as we get closer to the cruiser. "I sense a great deal of confusion in you, young Skywalker." Shaking my head, I admit what I've been sensing within him. "There is much fear that clouds your judgement."

"I must go, Master."


I announce with no room to argue while turning to face him. We stand in front of one another beside the ship that me and the other Jedi Masters are planning to leave on. Nodding to him, I let out a breath and offer him an encouraging expression.

"If what you and Valera have told me is true, you will have gained my trust."

He nods to me in thanks, but I still sense him doubting me. Glancing at the three Jedi Masters in the ship, I sigh, knowing they are waiting impatiently to undertake this matter. Resting a hand on Anakin's shoulder, I recommend in a tone I hope he'll respect.

"For now, remain here. Wait in the council chambers until we return."

"Yes, Master."

~Half An Hour Later~

"Master Windu. I take it General Grevious has been destroyed then." The Supreme Chancellor announces while turning in his chair. "I must say you're here sooner than I expected."

I walk into the Chancellor's office with Jedi Masters Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin and Eeth Koth. The Chancellor's sitting calmly in the seat that goes up into the Senate session room. The three Jedi Masters come to stand on either sides of me and we all take out our light sabers as I speak up.

"In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you're under arrest, Chancellor."

"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?" He spits out as his eyes dart to our blades we've activated. Staring at him with nothing but significance, I answer him with a knowing tone. "The Senate will decide your fate."

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