I Am Sorry: Helmeppo x Reader 1.2

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Helmeppo watched you from a distance. Ever since he became a marine with Coby, he tried to get your attention. He knew you didn't like him because of what he did to you when his father was still Captain. Helmeppo regretted everything greatly, and no matter how he tried to apologize, he couldn't find the right words. So here he was now, wishing he could hug you and apologize, but he knew you would walk away from him.

"You are staring again, Helmeppo," Coby said. Helmeppo looked over at his friend and sighed.

"I can't help it. I really do love her. I was just too stuck up to realize it then." He confessed before going back to staring at you. You were currently watering flowers in your garden. He was lucky that Coby wanted to eat at a place that was directly across from the place you stayed at. Coby wished he could help his friend, but he knew firsthand what Helmeppo was like back then.

"I think you should apologize, don't justify your actions. Nothing you can say will make her see it as okay. But if you apologize and admit how wrong you were, maybe she will forgive you." Coby said, taking a sip of his drink. Helmeppo looked over at his friend before looking down at his food and playing around.

"Do you think so?"

"Maybe, she doesn't look like the type to hold grudges," Coby said, patting his shoulder before standing up. Helmeppo nodded his head just as Coby walked off after paying his bill. Helmeppo's mind was going over a thousand scenarios of how the interaction between the two of you two go; none of them seemed to go well. He groaned, hitting his head against the table. How was he supposed to apologize anyway without getting tongue-tied when he was around you?

"I am so screwed." He mumbled, getting up from his seat after finally finishing his meal. He took one more glance at you, and he noticed the smile on your lips as you dusted off your pants. He felt his heart rate increase, and he shook his head quickly.

"Maybe since she likes flowers...I can buy her some..." Helmeppo said, tapping his chin.

"Or a teddy bear?"

"No Chocolate... girls like chocolate, right?" Helmeppo ruffled his hair as this entire ordeal was stressing him out.

"Maybe if I go big, admit to the world that~no she is a simple person. She would most likely get embarrassed and runoff." Helmeppo looked around, trying to figure out what he could do to show you how serious he was. Just as he was shopping through the windows, he saw a necklace; it was an (f/c) gem in the middle shaped like a heart, and little diamonds surrounded the gem. His eyes brightened up, and he went into the store to pay for the necklace. Once he paid for the necklace, he put it in his pocket. He then bought a bouquet (f/f), chocolates, and a giant teddy bear.

"Okay, I just hope she doesn't slam the door in my face." He mumbled to himself before making his way to your home. Once he arrived, he noticed you had already gone in. He was shaking and nervous about what he was about to do. He slowly knocked on the door, and he heard your velvet-like voice.

"Coming." You say before opening the door. When you open the door, your eyes widen. Helmeppo took in your appearance. You had put your hair in a messy bun and were wearing baggy short shorts and a long (f/c) t-shirt with fuzzy socks. He felt a blush rise to his cheeks as he made eye contact with you. He noticed you weren't slamming the door in his face. You didn't even look mad to see him.

"Can I help you, Helmeppo?" You ask softly. Before holding the teddy bear, flowers, and chocolate, he bit his lip.

"I-I am here to apologize for how I treated you back then. I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I didn't know how to deal with my feelings. I am sorry, please forgive me, but if you don't, I understand. I just...I...am sorry." Helmeppo finished looking away. You blinked with a blush.

"Please take the gifts as my way of apologizing," Helmeppo said quietly. He couldn't look you in the eyes, but he would notice that you were smiling if he did. You slowly took the gifts from him, your hands brushing against his.

"I forgive you, Helmeppo." His head snapped towards you, and he saw your beautiful smile. You were smiling at him. Helmeppo felt his heartbeat increase.

"R-Really?" You couldn't help but giggle, pecking his cheek, which caused his blush to increase.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" You ask. Helmeppo smiled, nodding his head. You let him into your home, and he removed his shoes. You took the teddy bear and set it in your room before putting the flowers in the vase and the chocolate in the fridge.

"I have something else to tell you," Helmeppo said. He felt like he was going to pass out. The first part ended well, but now him confessing to you could end very badly.

"Really, what is it?" You ask, tilting your head slightly. He removed a box from his pocket before taking a deep breath.

"I told you I didn't know how to handle my feelings at the time. I still don't, I am about to have a breakdown, but I-I love you. I always have, even if I didn't show it at the time. I really do love you. I want you to be my girlfriend. But I understand if I am pushing my luck. You are a beautiful girl, and why would you~" You cut him off with a kiss. His eyes widened when you kissed him. Once he came to his senses, he started to kiss you back. While you both were caught up in the kiss, he used this chance to put the necklace around you. You were confused, and it showed as you gasped from the coolness of the necklace.

Helmeppo pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your waist. You didn't bother looking at the necklace and wrapped your arms around his neck. Once air became necessary for you both, you looked up at him.

"I love you too, Helmeppo. I had already forgiven you before you apologized." You say, his eyes softened.

"So I was freaking out for nothing."

"Yeah, I was hoping you would come to talk to me." You say shyly, looking down, but that's when you notice the necklace. Your eyes widened at how beautiful the necklace was, and you quickly took it off.

"What are you doing (Y/N)?" Helmeppo asked as you removed the necklace and gave it back.

"I can't take that. That's too expensive."

"You deserve it."

"Helmeppo, please, I can't you spent enough money on me."

"And I plan to spend more. Please keep it. It reminded me of you." He said, putting it back on.

"That necklace belongs to someone as beautiful as you (Y/N)," Helmeppo said, stroking your cheek. You blushed but smiled before leaning against his hand. You sighed softly as you placed your lips on his again. Helmeppo gently pushed you against the wall, and he laced his fingers with yours before pinning them above your head. Helmeppo felt like his heart would burst out of his chest, but he kept the kiss going. He nibbled on your bottom lip, which made you gasp softly. He slipped his tongue past your lips before massaging your wet muscle with his.

You let soft noises into the kiss, and Helmeppo began to explore your warm cavern. He moaned into the kiss when you sucked on his tongue. The sound made you blush, and it wasn't long before he broke the kiss and began to kiss down your neck. You tilted your head to the side, allowing him access to your neck.

"H-Helmeppo, wait..."

"What's wrong? Am I going too fast?"

"N-No. I just the food on the stove." You whispered.

"Right, don't want a fire." He said, pulling away from you. He took one look at you and saw how a few strands of hair fell from the messy bun and how red your face was. He did that, and it made him happy that he could call you his girlfriend. He watched as you began stirring the food. He leaned against the door frame before wrapping his arms around your waist.

"So I can call you my girlfriend, right?" He asked, placing a kiss on your neck and cheek and then tilting your head to him to kiss your lips.

"Yeah, Helmeppo, I am yours." You say with a blush and a soft giggle.

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