Teardrops Of My Guitar: Apoo x Reader 2.2

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It has been three months since you had left Apoo's crew, and you would be lying if you said you didn't miss any of them. Yet you felt better. You could be yourself now without always being depressed whenever you see your first love. You were currently dancing around the streets due to a festival. You and several other girls decided to perform; you guys had incorporated your magic within the dancing. You had a smile on your face, and when it came time, you would sing a few songs while dancing. It always captured everyone's hearts. What you didn't know was a certain pirate crew was watching you.

Apoo was shocked when he saw you dancing at the festival, how the lights shined on you, how your ice magic would burst, and sparkles surrounded all of the dancers, mainly you, whether it was intentional or not. It made his heart pound, he wanted you back on his crew and your best friend, Jason, knew he wanted you back on the crew. He called it off with Carrie within the same week of you leaving. That's when Apoo realized when you were gone that he was in love with you, but after not finding you and spending most of the time on the sea, he could never figure out where you went.

The performance ended for the time being, and the girls all hugged you, causing you to laugh. You truly felt better, as if nothing could ruin the day. You put your jacket on so you wouldn't catch a cold until the next performance, two hours from now, giving you time to enjoy the festival. You began walking to a stand to grab something to drink until you felt someone grab your wrist gently. You turned around, and your eyes widened in shock. You didn't expect to see Apoo here, and you mentally cursed. You forced a smile, but Apoo pulled you into a bone-crushing hug.

"(Y/N)...." You flinched and struggled to breathe, and he managed to capture some of the crowd's attention.

"Apoo... I...can't....breathe...." You gasped for air, and he quickly let you go apologizing.

"Sorry..." You coughed but waved it off until you could breathe with ease again.

"It's fine...what are you guys doing here?"

"Well...We needed to reset the log pose... I am so sorry..." Apoo said, and you looked off to the side before ordering water.

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong..." You said, yet Apoo wrapped his arms around you, causing you to tense up.

"What are you doing?" You questioned, but Apoo didn't let you go.

"I did do something wrong. I loved you, yet I thought I stood no chance, so I proposed to Carrie. Yet when you left and Jason explained everything to me, I felt like shit. I was a terrible captain, and I dare say that I had loved you. Once you left, I realized what I did was wrong. Please come back..." Apoo said. You turned your head to meet Apoo's eyes before looking away and grabbing your water, and walking away from the stand.

"I can't, Apoo..."

"Carrie is gone. I called it off with her. Please...."

"(Y/N)~!" You and Apoo turned to meet the eyes of a guy near yours and Apoo's age. He came up and pecked your cheek slightly before turning to see Apoo.

"Who is this?"

"Ahh, Mark, this is Apoo. He is a former captain of mine." You said, rubbing your neck. Apoo stared at you and him, and he realized you two were dating.

"....I see it's nice to meet you..."

"You two are...."

"Yepp..." Mark said.

"Mark, you don't have to l~~~~~."

"mmmgppg" Mark captured your lips with his hand, but he made it look like he was kissing you, and you hit his chest before Mark pulled away.

"Shush, creeper dude, been watching you. Remember you told me to pretend to be a boyfriend until the dude goes away..."

"Ohhhhhh, I didn't say kiss me..."

"Well, look how close dude is behind you." You glanced over your shoulder and blinked as the dude walked away.

"Oh, nice save... that would have been bad...." You rubbed your neck, and Apoo looked confused.

"So you two aren't dating...." Apoo asked.

"Nope, unless he comes back, then yes, we are dating. He is weird and been spying on (Y/N), so I been that good friend that pretends to be a lover but not a lover." He said, and Apoo nodded, confused.

"It's a long story as to why we have to resort to this and one we would rather not talk while he is here because if he knows, then I am back to square one..." You said, and Apoo nodded understanding.

"Do you plan to join the crew again? I think you should." Mark said, and Apoo beamed at the thought of Mark wanting you to join again.

"I like this guy..." Apoo said, and you laughed softly, hitting Apoo's and Mark's shoulders.

"I told you already I can't."

"Yet you didn't tell me why? I told you Carrie is gone..."

"Yes, but when I left, I left behind something."

"Let me make it up to you," Apoo begged, and Jason came and flicked your forehead. You held your forehead is, pouting, and Mark grinned.

"Come back (Y/N)," Jason said, and you sighed.

"(Y/N) You miss them to no ends... Come on, go back." Mark said, and you looked down. Apoo stroked your hair behind your ear, causing you to look at him. Jason and Mark left you and Apoo alone. Apoo pulled you somewhere where you two were alone, away from the crowds, holding you to his chest.

"I love you (Y/N)... I always have. I didn't think a freak like me ever stood a chance with a good and beautiful woman like you. I was willing to settle with someone who didn't match you." Apoo whispered. You met his eyes, held tears in them, wrapped your arms around his neck, and began crying in his chest.

"You are a stupid idiot..." You mumbled against his chest, and Apoo sighed softly, rubbing your back.

"I know I am, so can you forgive me." He asked, and you looked up at him before rubbing your eyes.

"I-I guess I can, you asshole." You said, and Apoo laughed softly at the insults you threw at him.

"You shouldn't insult your captain."

"I said I forgive you. I didn't say I was joining. So I will keep insulting you until I say physically I am joining again." You said, and Apoo sweat-drop, but you pushed your lips against his. He sighed softly before hugging your waist. The kiss was gentle yet held much passion that you both kept bottled up for who knows how long. Once air became necessary, you parted from the kiss, and Apoo leaned his forehead against yours.

"Too bad I wasn't your first kiss..." Apoo mumbled, and you giggled.

"You can't be upset since Carrie was your first kiss, and secondly, you are my first kiss. Mark used his hand and made it look like he was kissing me."

"Fair point... and that looked real..."

"Yes." You laughed, hitting his chest, and he held you to him.

"I love you, and I am sorry I made you and your guitar cry..." You giggled as you remembered the song you wrote.

"Well, better not ever make me cry again because I am not above writing a song about you." You said, and Apoo smiled wouldn't dream of it. Apoo grabbed your hand and headed towards the crew. The crew all ran and gave you hugs which you had returned all the hugs. You pecked some of their cheeks before hugging Jason. Mark crossed his arms, and he raised an eyebrow at you, and you hugged him too.

"I didn't say I was joining again, though."

"Seriously?!" Everyone but Apoo yelled, and you grinned at Apoo.

"I have to insult him and hurt his feelings before he becomes my captain again."

"Well, that makes sense..." Everyone said.

"Hey...." Apoo yelled.

"No offense, Captain, but you were stupid to let her go in the first place," Jason said, and Apoo glared at Jason. Jason shrugged, knowing Apoo wouldn't do anything to him anyway.

"Fine...." He grumbled, and you giggled, kissing his cheek, and he couldn't help a small blush that dusted his cheeks.

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