Sugar Daddy: Rayleigh x Reader 2.2

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You were currently cuddling with Rayleigh in his bed, your head was on his chest. He had both of his arms wrapped around your plump form and you both were just relaxing. It had been a few weeks since the day he offered to be your sugar daddy, and you agreed to spend one day with him. You didn't know how but he managed to convince you to spend just about every day with him.

You didn't mind though, since he was great company. You always tried to reject his money but he was a stubborn old man. That is what led to most of your arguments with him, but you would eventually cave. Especially since after most arguments, it led to cuddling sessions like these. You cracked a small smile and buried your face into his chest with a small sigh.

"Is everything okay Princess?"


He tilted your head up to look at him, and you blinked blushing at how close his face is.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, just a bit sleepy."

"Are you not resting enough at home?"

"I am, the bar just has been really busy these past few weeks,"

"You know, that offer is still up."

"Rayleigh..." You whined slightly and went to bury your face but he cupped your face with a smile.

"Why won't you let me take care of you?"

"It's embarrassing, plus I-"

"Why is it embarrassing? Is it because of my age?" He asked and your eyes widen and you quickly sat up.

"W-What? No that's not the case at all." He sat up and pulled you into his lap with a smile.

"So why is it embarrassing?"

"I just don't think one person should be paid just giving their time to someone. It feels wrong."

"Does it? Would it be any different than if you were dating someone and they offered to pay for everything?"

"Well... I..."

"What am I saying? It's you, you wouldn't let a mere boyfriend pay for everything." He chuckled and you blushed.

"You aren't wrong." You nudged him, but he cupped your face and leaned close.

"May I kiss you?"

"I never had my first kiss..."

"Can I be your first kiss then?"

"I, uhm, okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I trust you," you said with a small smile. He smiled back and pressed his lips against yours gently. You tensed slightly before relaxing slightly and closing your eyes. He tightened his hold on your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck.

You could tell he was experienced and it made you nervous. You let him take full control and he licked your bottom lip asking for entrance. You shyly parted your lips and moved your hands to the front of his shirt. You gripped it tightly as he explored your cavern, and you tightened your grip. He slowly parted after a few minutes and leaned his forehead against yours.

It was silent for a few moments, as you were panting. You couldn't face him so you kept your eyes lowered. He allowed you to calm down before deciding to talk. He rubbed your back gently before hugging you tightly.

"So? How was it?" He asked and you stayed silent for a few moments.

"I feel embarrassed that I don't have any experience. I was probably terrible."

"No, don't say that. You were just fine, and you weren't terrible at all I am tempted to kiss you again."

"Really?" You met his eyes and he grinned slightly before leaning down and kissing you again. You sighed against his lips since it was a quick peck.

"How is kissing me?"

"I like it, a lot."

"The kissing part or kissing me?"

"Both..." You hid your face in him, and he couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh as he pulled you against his chest as he fell back on the bed. He tangled both of your legs together so you wouldn't escape from him.



"Will you consider it? Sugar daddy, I mean."

"Well, I don't want you to just be a sugar daddy." You whispered but he heard you.

"So you want something more serious?"

"I-I mean yeah... If you want to that is."

"What if you find someone more your age you like?"

"I doubt it, plus I rather be with you."

Rayleigh chuckled softly, feeling pride fill him. To have someone as young and beautiful as you wanting him for more than just money was a great feeling.

"Well, I wouldn't mind having you hang off of my arm if you don't find it embarrassing."

"Of course not, I just you will be my first boyfriend so I am of course going to feel shy."

"I wouldn't mind being your first everything."


"Of course, though I think if anyone asks you should tell them I am your Sugar Daddy."


"People will understand way better if you say that than if you say, boyfriend. Trust me on this."

"Alright but wouldn't be frowned upon?"

"Not as frowned upon as you saying a 76-year-old man is your boyfriend and you 25."


"You have a point, but I don't care about that."

"You are so sweet," he said pecking the top of your head.

"Fine, you can tell them either one. I won't let anyone talk bad about you no matter what you say." He said seriously and you nodded and nuzzled your face in his chest. His warmth and scent began to lull you to sleep which he didn't mind. He watched you fall asleep before stroking your hair.

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