Sweet But Psycho: Doflamingo x Reader 2.2

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Warning: Lemon

Doflamingo was currently playing with your hair while you were reading your book. It has been about three months since you randomly showed up with the intent to kill your best friend, but he agreed to your terms.

It has been a rough three months for Doffy because he got rid of his harem girls, meaning he hasn't been having sex, which was hard when it came to being around you. You didn't have to try to turn him on. Doflamingo continued to buy you gifts, give you all of his attention, and did anything you asked.

You had to admit you were impressed by how much he changed despite his horny self, but you enjoyed him suffering a boner and pleasing himself. He made the one mistake of snapping and yelling at you because of his needs, but he instantly regretted that. You had sent him flying through a window. He would have been flattened like a pancake if it weren't for his devil fruit.

Today was a chilly day, so you decided you wanted to cuddle Doflamingo, which he didn't mind too much. As long as you stayed off of his lap, he was fine with cuddling you. His family caught onto Doflamingo's feelings for you, and he didn't even try to deny it anymore. The majority of the family was on missions, your crewmates were outside shopping or fixing the boat, and everyone was doing their own thing.

"(Y/N), I'm bored." He said.

"I am bored too." He smirked, his hands traveling down your body, but you gripped his hand.

"We are not doing that."

"Fufufu, no fun at all." Doflamingo laughed before resting his hand on your thighs. You glanced at him, and he didn't move his hands. You went back to reading your book before feeling kisses on your neck.

"You want to die today." You say flipping a page.

"I want attention from you." He said. You glanced back at him, and he had a smirk. You knew what he was up to. You ended up moving away from him, shutting your book.


"I am trying to read in peace, and you are annoying me, Flamingo." Doffy felt his eye twitch. He leaned his head back on the couch.

"Woman, this is crazy. What more do I have to do?"

"Not be a perverted little shit."

"I can assure you I am anything but little..."

You through a couch pillow at his face before walking away to the kitchen to grab yourself a snack. Doflamingo stared at your back, he knew he shouldn't be acting like this, and he knew he continued to do this. You were going to snap. You were letting him off easy, but he wanted more than just kisses on the forehead or cheek and cuddles. Those are what you guys did as friends. He wanted more..much more.

"(Y/N)." He got up. You sighed as you sipped your water, looking up at the male.


"Can we please talk about us?"

"There is no us..."

"I changed my sexual ways. I can't change how much I am..."

"A pervert? I see that."

"You said you would consider it if you saw a change; have you not seen it?"

"I have, and it's exactly that. I said I would 'consider' I didn't say 'I would...' you are getting the definition of the two mixed up." Doflamingo slammed his hands on the table, looking at you. You looked back, and he knew you weren't scared of him. He felt defeated, he wanted to give up calling his girls over and do what he always does, but he didn't. He wanted you romantically and sexually. He walked out of the kitchen, heading for the door. You didn't bother asking him where he was going, you took your book before going into his bedroom, but your first mate stopped you.

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