Home Is Where The Heart Is: Bellamy x Reader

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Bellamy watched you from afar after Doflamingo fell due to the Straw Hat Luffy. Bellamy turned over a new leaf. Now that he had changed, he wanted to confront you and ask you out. You were a beautiful bartender that stole the pirate's heart, and he at first wanted it back, but now he changed his mind.

He could tell you had an innocence to you because you treated everyone with kindness. Even the rude ones to you, which made his blood boil. You always had a beautiful smile on your face. Even when guys flirt with you, you would blush and grow shy. He had a strong urge to protect you from those trying to take advantage of you.

There was a time he remembers when a guy asked you to help him to his house. You had agreed, but Bellamy stepped in, telling the guy off. You were confused, and Bellamy didn't have the heart to tell you what the guy was planning.

"Hey Bellamy~ can I get you anything?" Speaking of the angel. He turned to see your smile. He felt his face heat up before nodding his head.

"The usual." He said. You nodded, going behind the bar to fill a mug with rum, making him his favorite dinner. You weren't just a bartender. You pretty much ran the entire bar. You cooked, cleaned, served, and made drinks. He wondered how you didn't get overwhelmed.
Once you came back, you set everything down on the table.

"There you go. Please let me know if there is anything else I can get you." You tell him. Bellamy watched your lips curve into a smile. His heart almost leaped out of his chest.

"I will thank you." Bellamy began to eat. He watched as you talked with customers. A few were flirting with you. He watched as your face turned red before hiding it with your (h/c) hair. He grumbled, slightly glaring at the men. You managed to get away, and it wasn't long before the bar started to clear out.

"Is there anything else I can get you, Bellamy? If not, I'm closing up." You say. Bellamy smiles at you.

"I'm fine. I will get going then." Bellamy paid for his stuff before tipping you a large amount.

"Bellamy, I can't take this. It's too much." Say offering the respectful change back, but Bellamy pushed it into your pockets.

"Keep it. You deserve it." He whispered, stroking your hair behind your ear.


"You deal with drunk people flirting and harassing you all day. I'm sure you don't get paid enough. So please keep it."

"I wouldn't even call it harassment, Bellamy-kin. You step in before anything can happen." You say playing with your apron. Bellamy bit his lip before tilting his head up. Your eyes widen as he presses his lips to your soft ones. Your face erupted into flames, and you clenched his open shirt. He parted from your lips before leaning his forehead against yours.
He took in your flushed face, and he couldn't help but smile. He hugged you to his chest before whispering into your ear.

"I have the desperate need to protect you from the world. You always see the good in people even when they have terrible intentions." You looked into your eyes before parting away from you.

"I will wait outside for you so that I can walk you home (Y/N)," Bellamy said. You slowly nodded, still in a slight daze. He pecked your cheek before going outside. You touched your lips before smiling warmly.

"H-He kissed me." You whisper before cleaning up and doing an inventory check. You then went outside and locked the bar up. Bellamy took your smaller hand into him before walking with you. It was silent, and you couldn't help but glance at Bellamy.

"Bellamy?" You asked. He looked overseeing your red face again.

"What is it?"

"Why did you kiss me?"

One Piece One Shot Book *discontinued*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin