My Twin Brother: Ace x OC

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[Anne's devil fruit is called the Dragon Dragon Fruit, meaning she can breathe fire and shoot fire out her hands, similar to Ace only difference is she can turn into a dragon as well.]

I was walking behind Ace, smiling as we boarded the Moby Dick. I was officially joining the Whitebeard Pirates. Most people didn't know Ace had a sister. He didn't even know he had a sister until he realized we looked alike. We were twins. The doctor missed that, so when Garp took Ace, that's when my mom Portgas D Rouge gave birth to me. Of course, she died soon afterward, bless her soul. I never really hated my father. In fact, I wanted to be like him. But Ace talked me out of it and talked me into joining the crew.

"Ace? I didn't know you had a twin." A guy with a pompadour hairstyle said, looking at me. I flashed a smile running my hand through my raven hair after removing my hat that was similar to Ace's.

"Yo, I am Anne. Ace's twin sister."

"I didn't know I had one either until I met her. And we can't even deny we aren't related, same mom and dad." Ace said, scratching his face.

"Idiot, duh, if we are twins, we came from the same parents." I
sighed, rubbing my temple, and he flicked my forehead.

"I am older, so respect me."

"Oh, shut up, you are only a few minutes older than me, and I am sure it's because you pushed me out of the way," I said, flicking his forehead back. Whitebeard watched as they bicker, and he only laughed.

"Your sister is hot, Ace."

"Watch it. Ann put some clothes on." Ace said, and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Excuse me."

"You are on a ship full of men. Put a shirt on."

"If I have to wear a shirt, you have to wear a shirt. And I just realized we dress the same besides your tattoo says Asce and mine said Anne... and I wear a bikini top."

"I don't have melons. And oh my gosh you are right its scary it's like I am looking at the female version of me." Ace blushed.

"Pervert. And it shouldn't come as a shock and idiot; we are both twins. Of course, you are looking at the female version of you."

"They are way too similar." Several of them mumbled.

"Gurararara, welcome to the family, Ann." I looked up at the giant guy and nodded, tilting my hat.

"Thanks, though, I have to say. I had no intentions of joining, but my air-headed brother managed to talk me into it." I shrugged.

"Oh what did you plan to do?"

"Join Luffy's crew."


"Yeah, I do. Oh crap, he will not be happy I was supposed to meet him at the bar." My eyes widened, and I facepalmed.

"Now that I think about it, though, he said I reminded him of you. Huh, it's a small world." I said, shrugging.

"How can you just wave it off like that?"

"I am hungry."

"I will cook you something, princess. By the way, I am Thatch, the cook." Thatch said, smiling at me, and I smiled back.

"Nice to meet you, Thatch, and thank you."

"I just need to know how big is your appetite."

"Don't treat me differently. I am sure it's no different than Ace's."

"We will run out of food if we have to feed them both." Someone sighed.

"Noted." Thatch said, winking and leaving to go to the kitchen, and I tilted my head.
"He is cute."

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