Lonely Call: Kidd x Reader 1.2

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"Listen (Y/N), I think we should take a break..." Kidd said staring ahead not even bothering to look at you. You froze at those words since you thought this was supposed to be a date, but he was breaking up with you?

"What? Why?" You asked, and he turned his head to you before sighing and starting the car up again. He began to drive you home before answering your question.

"I need to sort out my feelings. I don't feel the same about you anymore. I thought I loved you, but I don't." Kidd said parking outside of your house. You just say there until Kidd broke you out of your thought.

"(Y/N), we are at your house." He said as if he didn't just say the words that you were terrified of hearing. You felt the tears roll down your eyes, as you looked at him.

"Kidd~ I..."

"(Y/N) I have nothing else to say. Get out." You fell silent before slowly getting out of the car and you watched him drive off. That's when you completely broke down in front of your home until your best friend came out. He watched you a bit before leading you inside of your home, and he sat you on his couch.

It has been three weeks, two days, and twelve hours since he said those words to you. Since then he has been trying to call you and each time Law would take your phone. Each time you tried to reason with Law but he didn't listen to you.

Right now you were eating Cheerios while watching (f/t.v show). You had your phone beside you and you were curled up next to Law. You and Law were naturally close so you didn't mind being close to him. After all, he saw you as a younger sister, and best friend so he would never make advances toward you. His tatted hands ran through your hair, it was about midnight but neither one of you was tired.

It wasn't long before your phone began to ring and you picked it up. Law glanced at the phone to see Kidd's face, he looked at you wanting to see if you would pick it up. You just stared at the pictures before placing them besides you again not bothering to answer it.

"I am proud of you..." Law said and you have a soft smile.

"Thanks, though I do want to hear his voice.

"I know but (Y/N)-ya, you use to be his 6 a.m 'hey good morning beautiful how you been?' Now you are just his midnight call, a familiar voice. He probably wondering if he made the wrong choice. If he truly misses you and loves you, he will come to the door and not give a half-ass apology." Law stated, you smiled nodding your head and hugging your best friend and roommate.

"Thanks, Law, I needed that." You said kissing his cheek and going back to your Cheerios. You both fell silent again and your phone had rung a few more times before finally going silent. Once you were done with your Cheerios, you placed your bowl in the kitchen sink and came back to the couch. You grabbed a blanket and curled up with Law, focusing on the movie until you fell asleep that night.

The next morning you woke up to a knocking on your door and you groaned. You ran your hands through your hair before seeing that Law must have gone to either work or class today. You went to the door and opened it up, only to see a familiar redhead standing outside of your door. You went to quickly close it but Kidd quickly put his foot in the door.

"Wait, please hear me out," Kidd said and you sighed crossing your arms.

"What could you possibly want? I thought you said all you needed."

"I think I made the wrong choice."

"You think?" You scoffed and went to close the door again but he wouldn't move his foot.

"No, I worded that wrong. Damn it, I am not good with words."

"Sounds like an excuse." You said trying to shut the door.

"No, listen I am sorry. I really do love you. I was conflicted I don't even know why I was conflicted. I miss you (Y/N)."

"I can't believe you." You said crossing your arms, thinking back to all the times he called you.

"I can't believe you because, since the day you broke up with me, you called me at midnight. You never called me at midnight, it was always good morning texts and you call me in the evening and we would talk last midnight. You said you didn't love me. You wanted a break, our first date in a month because of school and work and you said you wanted a break." You said getting angrier, by this point you were crying and hitting his chest. Normally Kidd would have lost his temper, but he knew he messed up and if it made you feel better he would let you hit him.

"I know, I am sorry. I really shouldn't have said that. I should have just talked it over with you. I miss you (Y/N) really."

"No Kidd, I am sorry. I am sorry because I got to move on. I want to forgive you, but you hurt me, bad. I want to forgive you but, at the same time... I hate you. I need to fix my broken heart that you broke. Goodbye Kidd." You said, Kidd was surprised and he finally let you close the door. Kidd realized he fucked up and walked back to his car getting inside. He let his temper get the best and he hit the steering wheel as he drove off.

You leaned against your front door and you began crying. You didn't realize how much you missed him, how much you loved him. Law came out since he didn't want to interrupt you or Kidd, so he had just stayed hidden and listened. He was surprised that you turned Kidd down, but seeing that you did, he could see that you were hurting. He sat on the floor with you and pulled you into a tight hug, you accepted the hug despite being confused.

"I-I thought you had work today."

"No, I was in my room reading when I heard knocking." He said stroking your hair, you clenched his hoodie and began crying in his jacket. Law picked you up and carried you to your room and sat you on your bed before hugging you tightly to his chest. You soon fell asleep in the arms of Law as you continued to cry which he didn't mind.

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