Follow Your Heart: Yassop x Reader

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Ever since his wife passed away due to her sickness, Yassop has never truly searched or thought about remarriage. His wife was the one for him, and it just didn't feel right to move on, that was about three years ago. Now, even though he loved being a pirate he felt something was missing. That being someone that held his heart, he tried not to dwell on it too much since he knew there would come a time when a woman may or may not steal his heart. But he did feel lonely at times since he had no one to hold or call his own.

He had no idea that the island he would land on, all of that would change once he laid eyes upon you. They docked their ship and Shanks gave orders of course after all the important things were done, they found a bar that wasn't full and went in. You were behind the counter, bored out of your mind since it has been really slow today. You were slowly falling asleep before being jolted awake by a bunch of laughing.

"Finally..." You mumbled before flashing a bright smile.

"Hey gentleman, what can I get you???" You asked from behind the bar as they all took seats and filled your bar with their crewmates. They all began ordering and you skillfully delivered the food, and barrels of alcohol to the men before going back behind the bar. You glance over at the different pirates before realizing it was the red-haired pirates that had now officially filled your bar, not that you minded.

"Is it normally that slow?" You turned your head to red-haired Shanks before nodding your head.

"Unfortunately yes, until the pirates come and drink us dry." You said and he laughed causing you to laugh as well.

"Which I don't complain since that's how we make our money..." You said getting you a cup of water. You felt eyes on you, and so you turned your head to meet the Sniper's eyes and he blinked before realizing he was caught staring. He gave you a sheepish smile, and you gave him a shy and gentle smile. You turned your head back to Shanks and you both began to hold conversations, him telling you stories of his adventures, much like how he told stories to Luffy.

You even told him some of the adventures you've been on despite not being a pirate. You explained the difference between magic and devil fruit powers, and how there are actual wizards who just have magic, you being one. Which got his attention more than you thought, you didn't know that someone was listening to the sound of your voice, or to the stories.

"That is so cool, join my crew..." Shanks said.

"I am sorry what??" You asked, laughing. Shaking your head, you went to supply the others with more meat and more sake, including the one that was entranced by your beauty.

"You are beautiful." The sniper, Yassop said. You blinked looking at him nudging him slightly causing him to laugh.

"Geez, thanks, and Shanks. No thank you... I am not a pirate."

"Come on..."



"Because I need to be here..." You said shrugging as you leaned against the wall with your arms crossed, which caused Shanks to sulk so Yassop took this chance to hold a conversation with you. He wanted to know more about you so he decided to tease a bit based on what you told Shanks.

"Let me guess, you have a husband here?" Yassop said which caused the men to laugh and you blinked looking at him.

"That's a negative."

"Then she has a boyfriend." A random crew mate yelled and you chuckled slightly.

"That's also negative." You said humming as you drank from your glass of water, which made Yassop relax glad you don't have either so he could take a chance.

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