First Love: Drake x Reader

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You were shocked to see Drake and he was just as surprised to see you. His crew was attacked by the Marines, and they decided to take control of their ship stealing any supplies along with anything valuable. You were busy cleaning up below deck so you didn't hear the commotion, but when you turned around Drake had frozen mid-step after seeing you. You and

Drake was close friends since he was young, and you had joined the Marines with him. He had promised to always be by your side and never leave you, but one day he couldn't handle being a marine anymore and became a pirate. That broke your heart but you knew he probably had his reasons so you tried not to be upset with him.

"(Y/N)..." Drake said walking closer to you, he didn't look like he would hurt you, but out of habit since you were never a fighter, you took a step backward. He frowned slightly noticing that you backed away from him and he stopped his advancement.


"I am so glad you are okay." He said, and he quickly made a move and pulled you to his chest. You gasped and blushed to feel his muscles and the heat radiating off of him, you almost forgot that he was a pirate as you hugged him back. It wasn't until you heard the yelling and knew what was going on. You looked up at him and he looked at you concerned before stroking your cheek gently.

"(Y/N)...I know I left without telling you, but please leave the marines. Join my crew, I promise to protect you, and this time I won't break my promise to you." He said leaning his forehead against yours. Your heart was beating faster and you clenched the jacket that he was wearing.

He couldn't help but bury his face in your hair, he missed you dearly. There wasn't a day that went by that he didn't think about you.

"Drake...I...I can't. I do the bare minimum here. I am not a fighter..." You said, looking up at him, but Drake pressed his forehead against yours.

"That is okay, you wouldn't have to do anything but be by my side." He said rubbing your sides gently. You bit your lip with a small blush and you wondered if you had what it took to betray the marines. Drake gently grasped your chin, and you met his eyes before he pressed his lips to yours. Your eyes widen, and you instantly throw away any doubt in your mind. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he held you close before parting from the kiss

Your face was really red, and Drake couldn't help but have that grin on his face. He decided there was nothing in this cabin he needed besides you and picked you up throwing you over his shoulder. You gasped and began to squirm as he refused to let you go, and he turned into a dinosaur and carried you out and off of the ship.

"D-Drake! P-Put me down."

"Sorry but pirates take what they want... I want you..." He said and ordered his men to leave after they left the ship in ruins. After you guys were away from danger he put you down and his crew was staring at him and you since you were still wearing your marines clothes.

"Everyone from this moment on (Y/N) will be a part of this crew."

"Sir she is a marine."

"She is also my first love."

"What!?" Everyone said including you but Drake pulled you to his chest after transforming back and pressed his lips to yours again.

"You promised you would follow me anywhere. I want you to follow me again." Drake said, against your lips. You blushed but sighed nodding your head with a shy smile.

"O-Okay for you I would do anything." You said kissing his lips and he smiled softly as he led you away from his crew so you could get some different clothes. Once you arrived at his room he searched humming slightly before tossing a shirt to you and giving you one of his pants that were too small now.

"Drake... thank you..." You said taking the clothes and he looked at you and smiled.

"No need, don't want you to wear marine clothes."

"No, for coming back." You said dropping the clothes and hugging him tightly. He blinked and hugged you back just as tightly before kissing your cheek gently.

"Oh, I am sorry I left you. I wanted to take you with me, trust me. It just wasn't safe, it still isn't but I am stronger now than I was back then ." He said holding your waist to him, you looked up at him and nodded.

"I figured you had your reasons. I was never mad at you." Drake pressed his lips to yours for the umpteenth time since he laid eyes on you. You didn't complain as you were also addicted to his lips and tangled your hands in his hair.

He rubbed your sides gently before pushing you on the bed. He never once broke the kiss as he hovered over you. You blushed but hugged him tighter to you, he trailed his hands along your sides before breaking the kiss. He trailed his lips down your neck making you whimper and gently push him away.

"D-Drake... please." You said and Drake instantly stopped.

"Sorry could barely control me." He said getting off of you and you sat up with a shy smile.

"It's okay I just want to wait a bit longer."

"I love you (Y/N)..."

"I love you too Drake. I am glad you took me with you." You said and he nudged his nose against yours.

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