SiSi Ni Sawa: Fisher Tiger x OC 2.2

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Fisher Tiger had finally grown up, and since that day, he hadn't seen Izzy. He missed her quite a bit, and most Fishman thought it was wrong for him to befriend a human. But Queen Otohime, Jinbei, and the mermaids thought it was cute mainly because they teased him, saying he fell in love. He made a mental note never to bring her up again unless he felt like being embarrassed by everyone. He now had his pirate crew, The Sun Pirates, also known as the Fishman pirates. He decided to continue toward his and Izzy's dream, and he soon found Otohime's dream to create peace with humans so they all could live in harmony. There wasn't a day he didn't wonder how Isabella was doing and if she was okay or not. Fisher Tiger remained looking out at the ocean with a small smile as he simply remembered how they met.

"Captain, you okay there? You are smiling at nothing again." One of the Fishman pointed again.

"He is probably thinking of that human girl again." Arlong snarled, and Fisher Tiger sighed.

"Arlong, all humans aren't bad. You just met the bad ones." He said, and Arlong rolled his eyes and left to the kitchen. Jinbei patted Fisher's shoulder.

"Ignore him. Maybe if we ever meet this girl, his perspective of humans can change."

"I hope to see her again. I was nine, and she was 8 when I first met her and last saw her." He said as he watched an upcoming Island come into view. He started giving orders to prepare to dock on the Island. Once they docked, they left the ship to gather supplies when they started to receive looks, some with admiration and others as if they were outcasts and didn't belong there.

"I don't see why you disagree with me. Sisi Ni Sawa, We are the same."

"We are nothing similar to you. Are. Human. I am Fishman." Fisher Tiger heard the little argument saying Sisi Ni Sawa he recognized it not many people spoke like that."

"It can't be."

"What do you mean, captain?" Arlong asked, watching everyone. He ignored the question but went towards the crowd.

"You have lungs; I have gills."

"At the end of the day, it's like water and rain. We are part of the circle of life. Get it through your head. We are the same." Fisher Tiger stopped, and there he saw the girl who flooded his mind. She was much older now and much more beautiful. Fisher Tiger kept his eyes on her as she had her hands on her hips, trying to get her point across to the Fishman.

"She is beautiful," Jinbei said.

"Is that her?" Arlong asked.

"Yeah, most definitely." They watched as the other Fishman became baffled by words when she compared to water and rain and the circle of life."

"The circle of life guide's us all humans, Fishman, lions, tigers. Sisi Ni Sawa."


"Sisi Ni Sawa, we are the same. We just got to get past the looks and differences because it isn't much different about us." Fisher Tiger said. The girl looked up, and she blinked a couple of times.

"It's been a while, Izzy."

"Awhile...." Izzy kept blinking. Only one person besides her parents knew about the saying Sisi Ni Sawa."

"Fisher Tiger?"

"I hope you didn't forget me."

"No, you just look so much different now." Izzy laughed before running and hugging him. He caught her, and they stayed there. It took everyone, including Arlong, to not awe at the cute gesture between the two.

"Isabella, is that the boy you talked about nonstop when you were 8?" Two very older adults asked.

"Hai momma and papa." Fisher Tiger looked at them. He wasn't sure how to react if they liked Fishman or not.

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