Reunion: Sanji x Reader

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Sanji was walking through the streets of a summer island. He was currently stocking up on food since they had run low. He decided he would overbuy this time since Luffy is constantly eating everything, and maybe some things to set up some traps for the food thief. He looked at the sky. It was amazing outside which wasn't a surprise. He was just glad to have some time to himself since he hardly got time to think, mainly because Luffy was always asking for something to eat.

Sanji took his cigarette out of his mouth as he looked at different spices at a stand. He soon realized there were spices that he didn't have yet. He quickly bought some before going onto the next stand. He saw several types of meat and decided to buy the meats in several bundles so they could last before buying a lot of fish. Once he was done at the meat stand, he moved over to the vegetable stand. It wasn't long before he had several bags of food, but it wasn't anywhere near enough because one never knew how long they would be out on sea before they saw land again.

He continued to buy food before taking a break. He leaned back after setting the bags down, looking at the sky again. He closed his eyes. For some reason, lately, he has been having the same dream. It was a certain (h/c) hair, (e/c) girl he had known since he was young. He wondered how she was holding up at the Vinsmoke mansion. He missed you greatly because you were so sweet and pure. He had a huge crush on you when he was younger before running away. He wished he had brought you with him, but he didn't, which he had carried the regret with him.

He put the cigarette back into his mouth before grabbing the bags again. He began to walk around to see if he saw anything else he needed food-wise or kitchen utensils. Just as he turned a corner, a familiar scent filled his nose. He closed his eyes as he recognized the familiar smell of the desert. It was one of the deserts you and him made on your own when he was younger. You used to cook together when he wasn't stuck in the dungeon. Just the thought made him shudder in pure disgust at his former family.

He followed the smell, and there he saw you setting the pastry out on the windowsill to cool down. He couldn't help but smile as he walked up to the window, making you look up. He smiled at you, and you shyly smiled, waving at him.

"Strawberry Vanilla Pound Cake with chocolate drizzle on top." You blinked before tilting your head, but the smile graced your lips. Sanji looked you up and down, and man, you had matured into a beautiful woman. You still had the same face but not being a perve. You just matured greatly.

"Yeah, how did you know?" You asked. Your voice was just as soft as silk. He almost forgot to respond as he listened to your voice, but he quickly shook.

"Have I changed that much?" He asked, leaning against the wall near your window. You tried to remember, but the only other person who made this dessert with you was your childhood friend...

"Sanji?" You asked, unsure, but he gave you his famous smile, which made you blush slightly

"Yeah (Y/N), it's me." You froze on the spot with a heavy blush, you couldn't help that smile spread across your features, and Sanji felt his heart leap out of his dress. He had to look away before he got a nosebleed.

"I can't believe it's you." You say before realizing he was standing outside.

"Wait, come on inside. I will meet you in the front." You say, he chuckled at you before walking to the front of your home where you stood. He stepped inside, looking around your home. It was cozy. You didn't have much, but you had always been a simple girl and never the one who enjoyed shiny things.

"You look amazing (Y/N)," Sanji said, setting his bags down before wrapping his arms around you in a tight yet comforting hug. You missed his hugs because they were always so warm and gentle. You hugged him back, burying your face into his chest. You guys stayed that away before you both parted from the hug.

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