Cuddles: Whitebeard x OC

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Whitebeard saw the young lady who had stood between the little boy and the nobles.

"I won't let you take my brother away from me."

"You don't have a choice." One of the nobles slapped the girl causing her to fall.


"Jason, whatever you do, don't look back, run and hide, okay..." Jason nodded and ran. He kept running. Kiara stood up again but was knocked down as one of the female nobles grabbed her hair.

"You should learn your place bitch..." she said. Kiara squeezes her eyes shut; Whitebeard can't take it any longer. Kiara grabbed a knife.

"Serious a knife, what are you gonna do cut me?" The woman noble asked as she kept pulling Kiara's long hair, but Kiara smiled softly.

"It's not for you." The noble looked at her, shocked, but Kiara didn't hesitate to cut her long, beautiful curly hair.

"She cut her hair."

"Isn't that against everything her family believed in?" Kiara stood up again. She could feel the wind on her neck, and it was unpleasant. She swore she would never cut her hair but in desperate measure. Call for desperate times. The highest noble growled and pointed a gun at her Whitebeard stepped in.

"That's enough..."

"Put the gun down." Ace said. Kiara looked behind her before she felt herself being picked up. She squealed.

"H-Hey, let me go." The nobles looked at the pirates in fear.

"No way it's the Whitebeard Pirates..."

"What do they want with Kiara?"

"Who knows." Kiara felt herself be carried off.

"I said let me go..."

"Calm down. We are trying to help you, yoi." A guy with a pineapple hairstyle said. Kiara looked up and saw Whitebeard looking at her. He smiled at her, and her cheeks dusted pink.

"I can't. I have to get my brother..."

"We will find him. It will be fine." The freckle face said.

Kiara bit her lip and nodded as she buried her face in her hands. Whitebeard sat her on top of his shoulder upright before patting her head.

"It's okay. We will take you in."

"You will be out, sister." Another guy said.

"No, she will be your mother..." everyone's eyes widen, including Kiara's.

"W-What???" Whitebeard stayed quiet as they entered the ship, and he sat her down. A little boy was hiding when he saw the pirates load the ship.

"Uh, guys, we have a little rat on the ship, yoi." Jason squealed and ran but stopped when he saw his sister.

"KIARA! You are okay." He ran and hugged her.

"Okay, never mind, not a brat, yoi," Marco said, and Thatch patted his shoulder. Kiara looked at the other.

"Is it safe is?"

"I think soo..." Whitebeard held his hand out to Kiara, and she blushed, looking away. Jason blinked slightly and caught on to what was going on.

"Oh hell no... you are old, and we don't know you, old man." Kiara's eyes widen.

"Jason language, they helped us.

"Yeah, but he is trying to date you. I'm your brother. I won't let anyone know I don't approve of the date you. That's why the nobles tried to kill me before." Kiara blinked, and her eyes softened just like Whitebeard.

"Durarara, I am glad you stopped them from dating your sister. I promise I won't hurt her or force her into anything. If she agrees." Whitebeard said.

"I can't join your crew, Whitebeard, my brother..."

"He can join us."


"I approve if you don't hurt her." Kiara blinked and rubbed her face with a blush. Whitebeard kept his hand out.

"So, will you be the mother of this ship?" Kiara looked around as everyone's eyes were on her.

"Do I have a choice? And I used to go by. I would give anyone a shot once." She said, smiling. Taking his hand, he pulled her into a hug before placing her on his lap. Everyone threw apart as they parted from the Island. Kiara looked back at her now vanishing home of hell before looking up at Whitebeard, who was laughing at his sons. He looked down at her, smiling, and she looked away quickly, but he placed a kiss on top of her head.

"So beautiful." He said, holding her close, and she cuddled into his broad chest, closing her eyes.

"You must be sleepy." He picked her up, led her to his room, and laid her down. He laid beside her wrapping his arms around her waist cuddling with her.

"Warm, you are so warm," Kiara said, opening her eyes, and he smiled. She sat up and crawled on top of his chest and laid down once again as he wrapped his arms around her.

Jason had watched his sister and Whitebeard leave the deck, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Now she can truly be happy."

"So you don't mind pops is like 50 years older than her?" Thatch asked.

"Nah, Love is Love. She deserves it."

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