Kiss the Girl: Sanji X OC

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There Sanji saw her. She was more beautiful than any of the women he had ever seen. More beautiful than Nami and Robin, even though he hated comparing girls together because they were all beautiful. But the girl seen sitting alone in the cafe drew his attention. He didn't have hearts flying out of his body or doing his love tornado.

"Is Sanji falling in love and not gonna get a nosebleed?" Usopp blinked, looking at him, and Chopper went up and checked his temperature.

"She is beautiful." Sanji's cigarette fell from his lips as Usopp put it out.

"Go talk to her," Nami said, grinning. He looked at her and everyone else.

"Dart brow wouldn't be able to get her. He is weird." Zoro smirked.

"Shut it more," Sanji growled, not feeling like arguing with him. The girl looked up, and she met Sanji's eyes, and she smiled warmly, sending his heart into race mode. He made his way to her, pulling a flower out from somewhere, and he got on one knee.

"Tu as de beux yeux (You have beautiful eyes)." Sanji mumbled, then he realized she might not speak French.

"I mea~."

"Je vous remercie(thank you)." She replied, and he looked at her handing her the rose, and she took it smiling.

"You speak French."

"Yeah, quite well, actually I had to learn it." She laughed softly.

"I see. Well, if you don't mind, bel amour. May I ask for a dance?"

"In a café."

"Anywhere you want." She took his hand as the band in the café started to play a slow song.
Sanji could hear his crew telling him to kiss her, but he ignored it.

"Sanji, you are gonna miss her if you don't take this chance," Nami said, and Sanji glanced at her before looking at the girl in front of him.

"Is it possible I have your name, sir?" The girl asked.

"I am so sorry, bel amour. It's Sanji."

"I am Clarissa though everyone calls me Clair."

"I don't want to call you what everyone else calls you."

"Then keep calling me bel amour then," Clair said as Sanji twirled her around before dipping her gently. She laughed softly, holding onto Sanji before he pulled her back up, and this time they were closer than before. Sanji's heart began racing, and he could feel a nosebleed coming on, which disappointed him because he was doing so well. When the song stopped, their faces were centimeters apart. Sanji took a deep breath, trying to control the urge to kiss her. She placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you very much, Sanji-kun, for the dance." She pulled away but kept hold of his hands.

"But I wanna get out of here now. I don't like the attention." She motioned for everyone watching them, and Sanji nodded, leading her out. They walked in silence with the trio of Nami, Usopp, Chopper following them. Chopper for doctor reasons since Sanji has a habit of losing a lot of blood and Nami and Usopp to see how it goes.

"Where are we going, Clair~swan."

"Oh, to my favorite place. Since I was a little girl, I haven't been because going by myself as I got older was depressing but now..." She looked at him and smiled.

"I am not technically alone." Sanji smiled as they made their way to a garden with multiple fountains and flowers everywhere, and off to the side was a dirt path that led deeper into the garden. They kept walking somewhere along the way, their fingers entwining. One Clair reached her favorite fountain. She turned to Sanji."

"I love it here. It's so beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you," Sanji said, lifting Clair, helping her stand on top of the fountain holding her waist so she wouldn't fall. She smiled, closing her eyes, allowing her long brown hair to get tousled by the wind. Sanji knew she was breathtaking, and when she closed her eyes, he stepped back but kept his arms on her waist, bringing her down a bit. She opened her eyes, and he looked deeply into her eyes before helping her down.

"Can I...kiss you?" Sanji asked, looking away, and Clair nodded.

"Of course, Sanji-kun." Sanji leaned in slowly and captured her lips by holding her close to his chest. He was afraid after this kiss, she would leave, and he didn't want that.

"He finally kissed the girl."

"Hey!" Sanji groaned softly, hearing his captain's voice, and Nami was about to knock him out.

"Luffy, can't we have alone time?" Sanji asked.

"I want her to join the crew."

"What?" Everyone asked.

"Zoro said you have a girlfriend. If you have a girlfriend, then she will be my girlfriend too." Everyone sweatdropped, and Sanji took you closer.

"First off, that's not the meaning of girlfriend. Secondly, we aren't dating... unless..." Sanji looked at her

"She wants to be with me. And thirdly, if we did date, I am not sharing her."

"So she isn't like Nami or Robin? They are girls, and they are our friends." Luffy said, and Claire giggled softly.

"He is funny." Sanji looked at her, and his eyes softened, pecking her nose. She blinked and returned the peck. Nami came from behind the fountain and grabbed Luffy.

"Are you going to take his offer?" Sanji asked.

"I have to have a reason to join a pirate crew Sanji-kun."

"In this case, will you be forever my bel amour?"

"Of course, I will. And I will join the crew." She said and leaned in to kiss him. Sanji felt her chest on top of his chest, which finally activated his nose bleed for some reason. He jumped back so he wouldn't get any on her.

"S-Sorry." Chopper came running out, helping Sanji.

"He gets like this; this is the longest he was able to hold out. He must be in love." Chopper said, and Clair laughed and hugged Sanji to her chest as he passed out, and Chopper tended to him.

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