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"What do you mean you almost kissed?!" Lizzie exclaimed from Hope and Cora's room. After everything that went on they decided to take some off days and hang out. Lizzie made it an all girls thing which everyone was okay with since Scott and stiles had been MIA. Hope was thinking about Isaac constantly but thought if she hung out with the girls it would be easier for her to get him out of her mind.

"I don't know my mom walked in and it was awkward just forget I should've never brought it up..." Hope said vaguely regretting the fact she even said anything about it. She just had a constant vision of her leaning in for the kiss she found herself thinking a lot of what would've happened if they actually did kiss.

"I feel like you both should just get together. It's clear you guys like eachother what's stopping you?" Allison questioned while she sat on a bean bag next to Josie.

Hope sighed and looked down not knowing what was stopping her. She couldn't use Landon anymore as an excuse; this was just her own mind stopping her from being happy.

"Are you scared he might hurt you or something?" Lydia asked, knowing from her experience in relationships.

"Isaac would never do anything to hurt her. He likes you a lot, it's the only thing he ever talks to me about" Cora commented sitting next to Hope in the bed while Lizzie and Lydia sat across from them in the bed as well.

Hope blushed a bit but was able to hide it. "I guess I mean I'm guessing if my mom didn't walk in I'm pretty sure we would be together right now..."

"Well then I'm sure he'll bring it up tomorrow now you Josie" Lizzie said turning to her twin. "How's stiles"

"I don't think we're together anymore, not that we ever were I think I don't know" josie sighed while she played with the strands of her pajama pants.

"What happened?" Allison questioned turning to her.

"With everything going on and Lizzie having her episode we got into an argument I guess..."

"Yeah I heard that not that I meant to. I'm still learning how to control it but for now I literally hear everything" Cora interrupted.

"Yeah it was bad..." Josie shrugged remembering the argument.

"What was it about?" Lydia joined in.

"About how I was worrying too much about Lizzie"

"Well that's not fair!" Lizzie exclaimed, receiving a glare from the rest. "I'm sorry but honestly he has no say in it at all!"

"It'll pass stiles is not the type of guy to stay mad especially with something like that" Allison reassured while the rest nodded agreeing.

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