Part 80

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Blood gushes out of my mouth as Sae stares at me with tears in her eyes.


I pull out another injection and throw it into her other shoulder.

She screams and steps back again.

''NO! EDEN-!''

I throw an injection at her leg.

And I stab one in my arm, tears strolling down my cheeks.

''I have always... Loved you.''

I stab another injection in my arm as I limp towards Sae.

She closes her eyes and screams.


''Your head has always been wrong. You have to listen to me.''

I stab an injection in my thigh.

''I've loved you,''

Tears stroll down her cheeks.

''I've loved you ever since I met you. I loved you ever since we started talking. I've loved you, ever since we fucking became friends.''

My voice breaks into tears.

''I've loved you. No matter how much you hate me, no matter how much you want to kill me. I will always. Love you. I have been destroying myself, over and over again! I would do it all for fucking YOU!''

Sae throws a punch at me, but I grab her arm and swing it away.

She sobs and continues to step back, trying to pull out something. A weapon. Her fist.

But I grab onto her hand and twist it.


Blood gushes out of my mouth as I stare at my trembling fists.
I quickly I grab onto her hand and look into her sobbing eyes.

" You.... Liar. LIAR!"
She falls down to her knees and wiggles her hand to let go of mine.

''Let go! Fucking let go!'' 

I shake my head and squeeze her hand tighter. 

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