Part 45-

17 2 0

''Hey. Get up, Chingu. Up. Now,''  

I can feel, I know, Sae tapping her fingers against the side of my cheek aggressively. 

It's hard, but gentle taps. Enough taps to make me open my eyes and emerge from sleep. 

She looks at me and raises an eyebrow, sticking her fingers in front of my eyes and snapping her fingers together.

''Oh, Why Hello.'' 

She plasters an angry expression onto her face as she pulls out the Black Leather knife hanging on her belts.  

''I have a little surprise for youuu...''   

She lowers her head as she presses the point of the knife up to my cheek, causing me to close my eyes and tremble. 

''Don't you think about being scared of me.'' 

The Knifepoint sinks into my skin, causing a smidge of blood to drop down off my cheek.  


Sae catches the small drop of blood in the palm of her hand. 

She stares at it hard- like she's trying to win a staring contest.   

She then plastered a wide-toothy smile across her lips as she presses her hand to my face and smears my blood along my cheek.  

''You dropped your blood.''  

She giggles as I breathe heavily and pull my head away, watching her then twirl the knife in my hair.  

''Lalalalalalala... Lalalala.... Lalalalala... La. La. Laaaaaaaaaa.'' 

A Sharp sound rings into my ears as I feel Sae cut something. 

The ropes.  

The ropes that were wrapped from my feet to my chest.  

I sigh with relief. Those ropes were so tight that I'm surprised I even fell asleep in that chair. 

I slowly get up out of my seat, but Sae puts her hands on my shoulders and shoves me back into my chair, whipping out her knife and pressing it to my neck, raising her eyebrows and leaning forward. 

''If you try anything,'' 

She looks up at the blade as I tremble and lean back into my chair. 

''Remember that I have the weapon. And you don't. Geurae?'' (Okay?) 

I nod as Sae signals me to get out of my seat, gripping onto my arm and lighting her black lighter. 

It doesn't feel like we go anywhere but further into the darkness. 

I glance over at her slowly as she stares down at her boots with such confidence. But hurt. 

''You don't talk a lot,'' 

She spits out, finally, after us both walking further into the darkness and the only thing we hear is the pounding of our footsteps. 

I try to speak, but I realize the still heavyweight of my mask won't let me speak. 

Sae chuckles at my realization as she stops in her tracks, looking down. 

She looks over at me with a smile on her face and signals me to step ahead of her. 

I tremble and look down at the crack in the floorboard, and below it, somewhere crunchy, dark. 

''You scared?'' 

Sae looks over my shoulder. 

Then I feel both of her hands push me down in the hole. 

I gasp and fall for about 10 seconds before I finally hit the ground, yelling in pain as I land on my side. 

''Whoopsies! HAHAHA.'' 

Sae's voice is echoed and high as my blurring vision catches onto her head peeping out of the top of the hole. 

''Must have slipped. You alright down there!?"' 

I can tell she's pretending to care. 

''Ruh- Oh. Here, This might help Ya!'' 

She throws down her red lighter, landing on top of my chest. 

She scoffs. 

''Weak little piece of shit.'' 

She mumbles as I hear her walk away from the hole. 

I wheeze and look up.

I'm going to die here. 

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