Chapter 10- Unturned

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Thank god, it's Saturday. 

It's really the only day mother lets me go out for walks by myself, she calls it ''Leisure time.'' 

I guess I better be more cautious now though. 

Now with more people and children missing, I could be the next victim. 

As I take more steps forward on my way back to my house, I tuck my hands in my pockets and stare down at my feet silently as a cold brush flutter against my skin. I shiver and pull my hood up over my head, turning to the right as I get myself right onto a sidewalk that leads into the street. 

I wait for cars to pass on the street, but just loads of brushing leaves whirl across the street with a screeching sound. 

As if I can picture it, in the corner of my eye, I see a house disappear. 

I gasp and quickly turn around to look behind me, but it's still there. 

I roll my eyes and take a quick step onto the street. 

But I feel a tingling breath brush onto my neck. 

I feel a ghostly feeling whip around my waist and cause my eyes to grow wider. 

Eden, Eden, Eden, Eden... We'll take you...Just you wait...Eden... Eden... 

''Eden! Eden! Look at me!'' 

I feel tight and limp hands grip onto my shoulders and spin my whole body around. 

I scream and shuffle myself out of whatever's grasp hit me, but I then step back and open my eyes to find a startled Sae byeok. 

''You can't just, you can't just do that!'' 

I yell angrily, as she shakes her head frantically and stares down at her hands. 

My heart thumps out of my chest when I realize she's bleeding. 

''What- What happened to you!?'' 

I grip onto her shoulders and make her stare at me, but I nearly lose my breath as her pale skin seems to rot- her eyes turn grey and she looks as weak as hell. 

''Eden, you have to go right now! Pack, pack everything- warn your mom! Your dad- whoever! Look at me.. It's after us...It already took my brother- it's taking all of us! You have to listen to me.. You have to run! You have to run right now!'' 

I grimace as Sae looks down at her blood-stained waist as her long black sleeve shirt is damn well showing it.  

''Sae, I need you to-'' 

''Edith! Edith! Where the fuck are you!?'' 

My mother's raging voice calls out, as her voice seems to echo through the empty town. 

''Tomorrow, Eden! Oak street- My house! Tomorrow!'' 

She then lets go of my shoulders and runs away. 

But when her hands let go of my shoulders- 

She accidentally flicked her fingers at my hat and made it flow off my head. 

''Oh, Shit!'' 

As I reach out to grab it, it flies out towards the street. 

''Shit, Shit, Shit!'' 

God knows where I run as I chase my black hat across the street. The wind power is so strong- it makes me run left, then right, then across more streets- I don't know the fuck where I'm going! 

I finally grip onto my hat as I hit my head against a wobbly and hard chest. 

I grab onto my head and wince as I fall onto the sidewalk floor, then, looking up to see what I hit my head against. 

I nearly lose my breath as I see my mother glaring down at me, her eyes wide and her hand clenched into white fists.  

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