Part 20- Him

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''Hi, Edith. You've gotten so old.'' 

Father chuckles mischievously as his figure begins to flash. 

''What- What's going on... Why the fuck are you here!?'' 

My voice breaks into tears as Father's figure begins to disappear and reappear around me.

''Oh, Oh, Eden. I thought you would miss me! I was your father after all. I thought you would be happy to see me! I know your mother wasn't though.''

His voice growls sinisterly at his last sentence. 

''I'm not happy to see you at a- all. I'm fucking lucky you died! You- You were never my father...'' 

I grit my teeth together as his figure appears in front of me again. 

''Of course, I was, Edith! I took care of you and loved you, I loved your mother even more. I was so... Disappointed when I died in that car crash that night. It was supposed to be the night when I took you and your mother to the festival! Wouldn't that have been nice eh?'' 

Father chuckles again and stands in front of me in a straight position. 

''You never loved me! You were just there- to love someone who didn't even love you back! You were just there to kill us- and I loved you- I thought you were my dad! But you were just some fucking stupid man who tried to kill us- I knew you weren't going to take us to the festival that night. You just wanted to escape us! You aren't my real father, dumbass!'' 

I yell back angrily, wiping a drop of blood off my nose. 

Father growls and appears in front of me, bending down to me and grabbing his cold hand, and placing it on my chin. 

''You should never talk to me like that, child. I brought you here to talk nicely to me. I'm. Your. Father.'' 

I look up at father and stare at his face. 

But he doesn't have any facial features. 

I furrow my eyebrows and spit at him. 

''Fuck you.'' 

I place an angry expression on my face and watch father wipe it away with the back of his hand. 

It's not him. 


His voice becomes deeper. 

''When I died, I came here. No. This isn't heaven. Or Hell. I died near your little shortcut. Right beyond those trees, Eden. No wonder why my little streaks called you over there. You don't get it, do you? Welcome to the other side of the barrier, Eden. Welcome to the Division. This is where I came where I died. I came here to wait for you, my little daughter. To come find me- to come set me and all my friends free. You made us all so happy Eden! I was getting so hungry all those years. But now, I'm getting every single bit of our town, including these little tiny people. Now, it's your turn to join us! I would love spending time with my daughter.'' 

I look up at Father with my eyes beginning to feel dizzy. 

''Y- You did this? You decided to just- Die to come here!? You are doing all of this!?'' 

I stand up at lock eyes with father. 

''Oh, Eden. I came here for a reason! I was just as curious as you. And for the record, Honey, You did this. You set us free. Now you have to deal with it!'' 

Father's voice yells up into a rage, but stops when he seems to calm down. 

''Come here, Eden! Join us my dear! Oh, I can't wait for me to teach you your great doings. We will take down this shaken town once and for all.'' 

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