Part 59

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''As long as I'm here... No one can hurt you. Don't wanna lie here... But you can too. If I could-'' 

''Hey. How are you holding up?'' 

''Zinnia! Look at me! Look at me!'' 

''I love you...'' 


''I love you... Too...'' 



My eyes flutter open. 

I'm cold. I can't move. I'm in pain... And why- am I dressed in a suit? A Long... Black... One. 

Why am I on the floor? 

I reach for my hair. 

It's- Cut. Up to my shoulders. 


I slowly sit up and look around. 

Where's Eden? 

Her... Chair. Is on the floor. Mine is dragged away from hers. 

I've been left... To die? 

I gasp out of pain as I slowly get myself up. 

My legs shake my breath freezes. 

I limply walk over to the bulk door, slightly wincing as I push it open. 

I quietly shut it behind me as I limp up the stairs, gritting my teeth together as I look around Sae's little play area. 

Ugh, Everything looks like it's- Melting... 

I shiver and wrap my hands around my arms and cross over her play table. 

I stop, looking at her shattered mirror, stuffed animals and broken chairs all over the floor. 

I flinch as I slowly walk through the barrier wall. 

I stop and shudder as the front part of the barrier is melted; Showing a half- disappeared town. 

I hold back tears as I stumble forward. 

My mom.. Dad.. My family. My home. 

''Oh, Hello there.'' 

I turn around and glare at what seems- I know Eden's Father. 

He levitates, three feet away from me. 

''You... Fucking... Monster...'' 

''Don't waste your breath, little girl.'' 

His figure is tall, dressed in a black suit. His black hat covers his face as he lowers his head. 

''Shut up. Stop this mess! Now!'' 

I stumble back a little as he chuckles. 

''Oh, Zinnia. Once I released all my souls, there's no stopping it. And, anyways,'' 

He glances out the barrier. 

''We will all be dead in the end.'' 

I furrow my eyebrows. 

''So what's the fucking point of all of this!?"

Eden's father shakes his hand. 

''The cycle.'' 


''The cycle of souls. It goes on, and on. It waits to chose one to control the next barrier. And once that soul is chosen, they wait, for the person they want to break the barrier. And once that happens, the souls begin to release one by one. Until the barrier controller finds one to sacrifice against the one who broke it. And the last one standing, comes in control of the barrier. Then, the old controller dies. And then it all keeps going. For example, Eden. When I died, I was the one chosen to take control of the barrier. And, then I set my sights on Eden. I waited for her all that time to come and break the barrier, and she did. All of that happened, and now, Her and Sae are going to sacrifice each other.'' 

I shake my head. 

''No! You fucking liar! That's not 'Cycle of Souls,' It's the cycle of violence!'' 

Eden's Father shakes his head. 

''The more the cycle happens, Zinnia. The greater the barrier takes over the whole world. We all do this for a reason, child.'' 

''What fucking reason!? Why do you this!?'' 

Eden's Father sighs and levitates a little closer to me. 

''Giving each other, another life. That's why. So you actually- don't really die. I do this, we do this, Zinnia, because we need to keep having another life to go to. So- We don't have to remain in one place, forever.'' 

I step back. 

''That doesn't make you not a fucking monster!'' 

''Zinnia. I don't have much time left. No one does. You can watch the show, if you want.'' 

I raise an eyebrow. 

''What.. Show?"

Eden's Father chuckles. 

My heart hurts as I turn around to look out the barrier. I squint my eyes a little and  see a faint figure walking through smoke. 

And another one, standing not far from it. Holding two knives. 

My eyes fill up with pained tears. 

''Oh, Eden...No...'' 

DivisionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora