Part 44- ''People Change. But I just Grew Up.''

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''EAT IT!''


''Ugh, You bitch!''

I wince slightly of pain as yet another burning it slides against my cheek.

I spit out a drop of blood coming out of my mouth as I glare at the girl.

Hoho, I've been sitting here tied up in a creaky old chair from toe to the chest for 1 fucking hour of her trying to get me to eat a small piece of Candy.

I knew as soon as she dragged me into this dark, no-lighted room, (Even though the girl is holding a candle) with only both of us inside.

I don't know why, but this place doesn't feel like a room.

The girl growls and holds the lighter up to her face.

Her skin is dirty and pale as her black/grey-looking eyes lock onto mine. Her lips are dark and lined up in a skinny line, as her long, Chunky, Black hair reaches past her feet and circles around her neck.

She wears a black and grey non-sleeve top, with pink and black loose jeans being held together with about 16 belts. Her Leather untied and Black shoes scrape against the floorboard as she taps them against the floor impatiently.

''Why don't you want to have my delicious Candy? It's made with lots of loveeee..''

She giggles mischievously as she leans closer and holds the purple wrapped candy up to my eyes.

She fakes a pout face as she sticks out her tongue and glides it along her lips.

''I'm so sad that you won't take my Candy... That hurts my feelings.''

I furrow my eyebrows.

''I don't give a shit about your feelings!''

I kick her in the leg.

But she doesn't wince.

Or react.

She just looks down at her leg and raises her head back up, tilting it a little.

''Now you listen here, fucker.''

She aggrievedly cups her hands onto my chin and pulls my head closer, her eyes threatening.

''My Candy won't hurt you. I won't either, as long as you eat it. Or else,''

She pulls out a black leather half-wrapped knife and glides it slowly between her lips.

''I don't really want to stab you. But I will if you don't eat my Candy.''

She presses the blade of the knife onto my knee. Say something. Just say something!

''What's- What's in it?''

She opens her lips slightly and tilts her head to the side as she giggles.

''Hm. Nothing. Just will help me put you somewhere. That's it.''

She smiles and shoves me back into my chair, causing it to tilt over a little.

She catches it with her right hand while twirling the long knife in her left hand.

''Whoops. Do hard for you?''

She raises an eyebrow as I shake my head, the chair then leaning back to its original spot by her arm.

''What's your name, Chingu?''

I lean my head back a little as she continues to twirl her knife in her left hand slowly.

''Say it. Now!''

She grits her teeth together, causing me to nod.

''Z- Z- Zinnia! My name is Zinnia.''

She clicks her tongue.




''I don't understand.''

''Guess my name, Dumbass.''

She pops her lips together, making a pop sound.

''Starts with an S. Just for a little hint.''

''Samantha? Seline? Selena? Serene?''

She shakes her head and puts her legs on the armrests of my chair.

''It's a Korean name.''

For about 20 minutes, I sit there. Guessing, Guessing, Guessing, Guessing. She says no to all of them.




She looks down, then looks up at me with hurt in her eyes.

''Bingo, Bitch.''

She shoves something down my throat. Which leads me to start coughing- choking- from the supposed pressure of her sticking that down my throat.


She says, getting up from her seat and walking next to me.

''Stop coughing.''

She growls, quickly tapping the middle of my neck with her pointer finger.

I swallow the Candy.

''See, not so bad, right?''

She collapses back into her chair and slumps down into it, looking down.

''For your polite information, Zia. I'm the girl that- Eden knew from 5 years ago. Oh, I could hear her cute little story she was telling you with that little moment you two had together.''

She shakes her head in hurt as tears fill up in my eyes. No. It can't be.

''You're the girl... But- I thought Eden said you- died...''

Sae closes her eyes and looks away.

''I did. But, Eden's Father took me in and- recreated me. He had used these weird things injections so O could become a part of the barrier. A part of him. Ever since Richard did that, made me live again, I watched Eden grow. And grow. And grow. Always thinking she..''

I look down at my shoes as Sae pauses.

''Always thinking she forgot about me. And she did. And that's why- I haunt her. I want her to feel fucking pity for that day. She killed me. And all she could do- was scream! Scream... And cry...While I laid there- Dead. And I still am... People change, Zinnia. But I didn't. I just- grew up. I was Eden's first fucking friend. And she just let me die.''

Sae opens up her eyes and looks at me.

''That's why I'm going to kill her.''

I shake my head frantically as tears fill up my eyes.

''Sae- No... Please, Don't kill her! Please! She's-''

''She's important to you? Wow, such a nice story for a girl who met her in a fucking day! Guess what, Zinnia? She was important to me too. And she just left me. And when you think about it, you left her. So why should she find you just as important to you as you are to her? Don't you worry, Chingu. You'll get to see it all.''

She stands up as her hand shakes in the grasp of the lighter she's holding.

''Because I'm going to kill you too.''

I shiver in my seat as she stares down at me.

''I hope you aren't afraid of the dark.''

She whispers, walking over to me as she pulls a black Metal Mask over my mouth.

We lock eyes.

And I can tell she's hurting.

Her eyes.

Her face.

She looks away and blows out the light.

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