Chapter 14- What she needs to do.

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Sae hesitates with her answer at first, fidgeting with her hands or pacing back and forth. 

She then stops to look at me. 

''I know what's happening.'' 

She then walks closer to me and rips onto my shoulders. 

''I need you to tell what happened that day, at the festival, when I left you. I should have known it was a big fucking mistake!'' 

She locks eyes with me. 

Her eyes are full of pain. 




''I- There was this weird- weird force I found when I decided to take a shortcut to, you know, get out of the festival. There was this weird flashing stuff in the ground I guess... I followed it and found a weird- I don't know! Force! I stuck my whole arm through it and... It reacceded and threw me away from it. But- the force was gone after that. And before I knew it, everyone and everything was disappearing! I have- I have been disappearing too sometimes! My hands, my, my hair! I don't understand what's going on...'' 

I sigh and take a breath, as Sae stands still. 

Her eyes begin to flow up with tears. 

''Eden...What did you do!?" 

She charges herself towards me, grabbing onto the collar of my shirt and shoving me against the wall near her door. 

A Loud thud fills the room as she locks her eyes into mine as she pulls out shuddering breaths, her grip on my shirt growing tighter. 


''You broke the barrier. You- you are the cause of this. THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT!'' 

Her voice seems to break into tears as she screams. As if no one was around her. 

''I don't understand! What are you talking about-?'' 

''You know every single place has an urban legend- This place, is supernatural forces of only some of us know, ghosts. But Eden- No, No, what you have unleashed are wise beyond their own kind! The fucking barrier! You broke it! That- That force, was the only thing that stopped those things from entering this shitty town! You fucking broke it. Those things- they are now demolishing and making every single fucking thing and person disappear! There is only a matter of time until...Until those things make everything disappear. They will make this whole town disappear. You put us all in danger!'' 

She slams me against the wall again, making my head ring. 

''Ugh! What does this have to do with me-'' 

''You started it. You broke the barrier. You gained yourself those stupid- stupid ghost power stuff things! Now that you started it, you have to finish it...'' 

''What the fuck do I have to do!?'' 

My voice weakens as a tear strolls down Sae's cheek. 

''S- S- Sacrifice.'' 


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