Part Eight- The Monster of me

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I can't help but take off my backpack and place it on top of the sink, breathing frantically as I take my hat off and dig inside my backpack for a pair of scissors- this fucking hat isn't holding anything of my stupid strands of white hair!

I didn't even notice there are two other girls in two stalls who begin to talk. 

I frantically place my hat back on and step to the side, so the two girls can't see I'm in here. 

Maybe I should just leave actually- they are probably going to talk about boys- 

''Did you hear Sally? My sister's best friend, Marsha, went missing-'' 

My eyes immediately widen as I step back into my hiding place. 

''What? When!?'' 

Another girl speaks in the other stall loudly. 

''Like, on that stupid Halloween Festival. Some kids were saying that they heard a weird boom, and a loud scream.'' 

My head flashes back to that day. 

Oh shit. 

I did something. 


I did something really bad. 

''Actually, a lot of my sister's friends are saying everything is- disappearing. I can't tell you how many missing signs of kids posted on my block.'' 

The other girl speaks again, giggling a little as her friend speaks again. 

''It's probs just a Halloween prank, Carina, some stupid kids who just want to freak some other ones out,'' 

As I hear one of the bathroom stalls flush, I pull on my backpack and shove myself out of the bathroom. 

I have to know what I did. 

I need to know what I did. 

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