Part Nine- I've never been around

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9:04 PM

''You know Edith, I would appreciate it if you actually ate your god damn food, not plate with it.'' 

I raise my head up at my mother sadly as she glares at me and takes a bite of broccoli from her plate. 

I sigh and continue to twirl my fork into more of Mother's steamed broccoli and rice. 

''Eden, baby. Is this about food? Listen to me- it's the best I can do. You know that-''

''It's not about the food.'' 

I growl, staring at her as she takes a sip of her water and raises an eyebrow. 

''Okay then. Why won't we talk about that hat of yours then? You want people to think your bald or something?'' 

I sigh of anger and take a small bite of rice. 

''Why would I ever want that? Where are you even pulling that up from!?"' 

I yell, causing mother to roll her eyes and raise an eyebrow. 

''Don't you fucking dare talk to me like that! I want you to talk to me Eden, not get yourself so crowded in this- This- Hole!''

''Aw, Shut up! You don't understand or care about anything that goes on in my life, mom! Why are you so involved with this!?'' 

I barely spill the steaming food off my plate as I angrily slam my fists down on the table while mother grimaces and raises an eyebrow.

''Eden! Go to your room, now! And take that god damn hat off!'' 


I gasp and frantically put my hands on my mouth. 

I've never said no. 


''Eden. I reckon you leave the table now or-'' 

Mother looks at my hands as her face turns pale white. 

I frown and look down at my hands. 

They're- gone? 

I slowly move my hands around as they seem to be translucent? and not again- 

''I- Good night Eden. Clean up my dishes.'' 

Then mother stands up and stomps away from the table and her seat, stomping up the upstairs stairs and slamming her bedroom door behind her. 

I then look up at my plate. 

And it's gone. 

I look at Mother's plate. 

It's also gone. 

The whole fucking table is gone. 

I feel my hair tingle inside of the black hat I'm wearing. 

I quickly take my hat off and look at a strand of my white hair. 

It's glowing. 

And none of this is my imagination. 


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