O N E - H U N D R E D

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September 1st, 2016.

I watched as Kayden Malfoy — my son, not my poltergeist best friend — ran ahead of all of us with his trunk. He was going into third year.

He's a Slytherin, of course.

Draco stood by my side, pushing another trolley for our second son, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy.

He was going into his first year of Hogwarts and didn't know anybody, so he was holding tight to my hand.

Draco and I have lived up to our word. We haven't became like our fathers.

Actually, our sons are pretty close with us and come to us with everything, well, almost everything.

It's difficult when your first born is a teenager and refuses to talk to you.

Still, Draco and I made our way towards the train station with heavy hearts. Something about sending our youngest son to school makes me want to cry my eyes out.

I recognized a group of people ahead of us and smiled. There was Blaise, Luna, their daughter Ophelia, Alana, Neville, their daughter Orchid, Kaitlyn, Pansy, Theo, their son Grant, and Narcissa.

Blaise and Luna only ended up having Ophelia, who is their pride and joy. She's a little Ravenclaw, and is going into her third year at Hogwarts with Kayden.

Alana and Neville got pregnant with Orchid not long after we had Scorpius. They got married the year after. Orchid Amélie Longbottom. Alana also took Neville's last name.

Kaitlyn has grown up to be a beautiful girl with most of her father's features. She's going into her final year at Hogwarts — as a Gryffindor.

Jeremy graduated last year. He was a Slytherin.

Orchid is only 10, so she doesn't have a house yet. Alana reckons she'll be a Gryffindor though.

As for Pansy and Theo, they had Grant less than a year after we had Kayden. He's going into second year.

Oliver and Amélie didn't have kids, and moved to France after Orchid was 3. Alana goes to visit them sometimes, but not often.

I greeted everyone in a big hug and kissed the little kids on the cheek.

"Hello, everyone! Longbottoms, Notts, Zabini's. Kaitlyn. Narcissa. How is everyone?" I asked while giving a hug to Alana.

"I can't send him off," said Pansy. "You're not going back, Grant. You're staying."

"Like hell I am." Grant groaned.

Pansy gasped and Theo laughed manically. Grant gave his dad a hug before giving a reluctant one to his mum.

"I'm leaving. Don't follow me onto the train." Grant threatened.

"Bye, Grant! I love you!" I called.

Grant took a breath. "Goodbye Mum, Dad, Aunt Y/N, Uncle Draco, Alana, Neville, Uncle Blaise, Aunt Luna. As for the rest of you lot, I'll see you at school."

Reminds me of his father, that one.

Kaitlyn gave me a hug. "I'll come visit you over Christmas, Aunt Y/N, you as well, Uncle Draco. I'm sorry this is so short. I just can't wait. I'm seeing my dad again this year."

Kaitlyn is the same age Kayden — poltergeist — was when he passed.

"It's alright. Say 'hello' to him for me, will you?" I asked her.

"Of course," she winked. "I'll write."

"I'll write back. I love you." I said.

"Love you, too!" She called before taking her spot on the train.

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