S I X T Y - O N E

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June 1, 1999

Today is the day.

I met Alana in the Great Hall this morning and she said that Hermione wrote her a letter telling her to remind Draco and I of the day.

I didn't need reminding.

Today we're saying goodbye to my best friend.


It's the last time I'll see him again.

And I haven't heard him since April, so it might be the last time I ever hear his voice as well.

We barely ate breakfast, I knew Alana and I felt a similar sense of emotions.

We were both excited, nervous, sad, pained, but kind of happy all the same.

We were seeing him again.

But this time would most likely be the last.

That's what's painful.

Alana and I caught Harry and Hermione walking towards us as we left the Great Hall.

Draco was in the dorm reading when I told him I was leaving to get breakfast. He said he already went down earlier and that he'll get ready.

"You could always send him a Patronus." Harry said, as we walked along the corridors.

"Harry, I left the Resurrection Stone in their dorm anyway," Hermione turned him down. "There's no point in telling him to come down if we have to go up."

"She's right." Alana breathed.

We headed down the corridors towards the Head Girl dorm and I smiled as I whispered the password to the door.

It sprang open and we all went inside. Draco was still reading on the sitting room couch. He seemed to be just over half-way done now.

"I'm back," I called. "And I brought the others."

Draco raised his head and rolled his eyes as he saw the others walk through the door. "Oh, great. You brought me a pack of bloody Gryffindicks. How lovely."

Alana fake-laughed. "It's always the same jokes, Malfoy. They get old, y'know?"

"I have to agree with Alana on this one, Draco. You're quite repetitive." Hermione added.

Harry stayed out of it. I'm sure he would've said something, but I warned him a while back to keep his mouth shut and be the bigger person because we all knew Draco wouldn't be.

Draco placed a bookmark inside the book and put it on the coffee table before standing up and stretching. "What are we waiting for? We should bring Buckley back, shouldn't we?"

Hermione walked towards the table and picked up the book. "Most Potente Potions? Is there a reason you're reading this, Draco?"

"You mean am I going to brew Polyjuice Potion to become your friends and try to learn secrets about you? Not at all, Granger." Draco sneered.

"Huh?" Alana and I asked in unison.

"It was in second year." Harry murmured.

Hermione placed the book down aggressively and then flipped her bushy hair in Draco's face. She turned to the ruby red stone and took off the wards she put on it before sticking it into her robe pocket.

Only Hermione Granger would wear her school robes on a Sunday.

We all made our way out of the castle and down the grounds when I stepped away from Alana to talk to Draco more privately.

Dark Love (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now