F O U R T Y - S I X

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March 25, 1999

We had finished our detentions a yesterday. That was when Ginny and I had decided to be civil towards one-an-other, and Draco agreed not to go mad on Harry again.

I have been getting a lot of hate mail from the Daily Prophet fans saying how I "don't deserve the Chosen One" and how I'm "just a washed up, annoying, two-faced bitch".

I don't care though, Ginny told Luna Lovegood the truth after getting her own set of hate mail and Luna's father wrote an article for me saying how I didn't kiss Harry and he kissed me.

This doesn't mean Ginny and I are friends; we aren't. We also aren't planning to be friends anytime soon.

Alana's been quite off lately. She hasn't been attending classes and she's been awfully quiet. I'm starting to think that Spring Break won't happen.

Well, until...

"Hey, Malfoy, Y/N." I heard a slight call from behind me.

I turned around and saw Alana standing there, tired looking. "Hey, Lana."

"I just wanted to make sure that you guys will still be coming with me over Break?" She asked with hopeful eyes.

"We'll be there." Draco said, his eyebrow raised at the dirty-blonde.

She smiled.

"We will be." I concluded.

"I have Astronomy in 20 minutes, but I'll see you guys soon," Alana told us, checking her watch. "But if I don't, I'll meet you on the train next week."

She headed off before we could give her an answer, but from down the corridor, I heard her give a little happy squeal.

I turned to Draco, my own happy look on my face. "I'm excited."

"So am I," he smirked. "Now, are we meeting Granger or not? I really want to make Rita Skeeter lose her job."

I shook myself out of my little happy bubble. "Oh, yeah. Let's go before Hermione gets all mad at us."

Draco and I made our way to the library where Hermione was already waiting for the both of us.

Her bushy hair was tied up into a ponytail with a couple strands loosely hanging over her face. She kept brushing them back, annoyed.

Her Gryffindor uniform was ruffled, which was quite abnormal for the Golden Girl. Her robe was dangling off the back of her chair and her sleeves were rolled up.

I raised an eyebrow as Draco and I met her at her usual table.

"Hey, Hermione." I said, taking my seat.

She looked up at me and rubbed her eye, smudging the little bit of mascara that she wears to the side of her face.

"Hello." The witch yawned.

"Why so tired, Granger? Long day?" Draco questioned, another smirk playing against his lips.

She groaned, leaning against the back of her chair. "Yes. The sixth years threw a party last night at around 3 in the morning and I couldn't sleep after that. Plus, I had Head Girl duties at 6 and then had to go to classes. Now, I'm here."

"A 'yes' or 'no' would've been fine." Draco scoffed.

Hermione scowled, giving dagger eyes at the blonde boy.

"Okay," I huffed, wanting to get this moment over with. It's clear that they don't like each other. "Now, 'Mione, what's the plan?"

"Tomorrow, we're going into the Ministry. Harry had offered to help — y'know, to clear the air — and Ron is sort of following along. It took a bit of convincing on my part," she rambled on.

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