S I X T Y - S E V E N

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June 23, 1999

Graduation Day.

Tomorrow we leave Hogwarts forever.

I slid on my silver dress. It was a v-neck with spaghetti straps and came up about half-way down my thighs. It was also pretty loose.

I liked it.

I also threw on some nice silver and emerald jewelry.

Today was all about celebrating what Houses we had come from, and we were told to wear some form of our house colours.

As I was straightening out the straps of my dress, I heard a knock at the door.

"One second, Draco." I called, making sure my figure fit the dress.

"It's not Draco, dear."

A smile grew on my face. I couldn't believe who's voice I was hearing. I pushed through my room to get to the door.

I opened it and sighed of relief as I threw myself into the woman's arms. "Narcissa!"

"Woah, hello, dear." She chuckled.

I pulled away from her and shook my head. "What are you doing here?"

"It's your Graduation. Some parents were allowed to come this year. I pulled some strings with McGonagall when I heard the news." Narcissa explained, rubbing her hand against my shoulder.

She was wearing robes of lilac, and they looked to be a light satin. It was different then what she usually wore, but she pulled it off wonderfully.

"You look wonderful." I told her, still smiling sheepishly.

She chuckled. "Why, thank you, dear. You look absolutely gorgeous, a lot like your mother in fact."

My eyes snapped up to her. "My mother?"

"Penelope told me you know about her now. Elizabeth was kind to me before she went off while pregnant with you, even helped me for a couple months while I was pregnant with Draco. She was lovely." Narcissa said.

I looked down at my feet, unable to figure out what to say.

Narcissa broke a seconds worth of silence. "Would you like me to help you with your hair? Or your makeup? I don't want to be a bother, but I have missed you and-"

"Yes," I laughed. "You can do both if you wish."

She clapped her hands together happily. "I'd love to!"

We went to the washroom and she conjured a chair up so I could sit in front of the mirror like we had done once before.

She began to tie my hair in an elegant knot at the back of my head, braiding strands with her wand and curling some bits as well.

"Are you excited?" She hummed, flourishing her wand over my hair, making my hair look as if I used some type of hair potion.

I took a breath, watching her through the mirror. She made magic look so easy and graceful. "Yeah. I'm just over this year."

"Oh, I bet," Narcissa shook her head. "I'm proud of you, dear. You've gotten so far."

"Thank you, Narcissa." I replied, feeling a blush crawl up my cheeks.

"How are you and Draco? I've been dying to ask." She smiled, curling some more strands.

"We're together again, but you already knew that, didn't you?" I glared at her, eyebrow raised.

Dark Love (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now