T W E N T Y - O N E

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January 9, 1999

"Wake up."

My eyes fluttered open to see Draco standing above me with his toothbrush in his hand.

His hair was messy and he was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants.

"Fuck off." I groaned.

He chuckled. "We have classes."

I rolled over to my side, raising my hands in the air to stretch them. "And I need beauty sleep."

"You're already gorgeous, you don't need beauty sleep." He teased.

I blushed. "What time is it?"

"6:40 in the morning. Breakfast starts at 7:30, but you know this." He said, moving his toothbrush in his hands as he said it.

I groaned and covered my pillow with my face. I barely got any sleep last night. As soon as we got here, Granger left and Draco and I went over our class schedules.

When I was in fifth year taking my OWLs, I decided that I wanted to be some sort of Ministry of Magic employee or a Healer for St Mungo's . The problem with that was that at the end of fifth year -- just before the exams -- my grades started tanking due to finding out about becoming a Death Eater.

I was terrified.

So, Snape took me into his office and gave me a talk about it all. He said that I could keep trying on becoming what I wanted to be, or next year, I could choose a different career path that might be better for me.

Lucky me, my grades got worse in sixth year because of the cabinet and relationship drama and before the term was over, I had to pick a new job. At the time, I thought I was going to be a Death Eater forever and was relishing in that assumption. There wasn't a thought in my mind disproving the possibility that my Father might not win.

So, taking Kayden, Blaise and Theo's advice, I chose Beater for a popular Quidditch team with no fall back option.

Basically, since I chose all of my classes after fifth year, all the classes were up to me and whether I wanted to keep them the same or not. I let Granger do as she pleased.

Draco on the other hand, had chosen to become what his Father once was. He wanted to be a Governor for the School Ministries. He also wanted a valued place in the Ministry and to one day become the next Minister for Magic.

His grades sunk in sixth year as well but not to the extent of mine. I was failing most of my classes by the time Dumbledore died.

So, Draco had some classes I didn't have like Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. I had Muggle Studies and Care of Magical Creatures instead. We had the rest of our classes together, which was a good thing. I should probably thank Granger for that, maybe even Potter.

I may not be on the best terms with Draco with all our fighting, but a friendly face in a sea of enemies was always good.

The fact that I was thinking a sliver of positivity grossed me out.

Speaking of fighting though, Draco and I haven't fought since the matter with Potter on the Hogwarts Express. I guess he realized that it wasn't a good time to be bringing something like that up whilst dealing with past trauma.

I got myself out of bed and stumbled to the washroom, grabbing my wand on my way. Draco watched as I went, toothbrush in his hand still.

I rubbed my eyes and glared at myself in the mirror. I always looked completely horrid in the mornings.

I shut the door and turned on the water in the shower. Our trunks were also delivered last night, so, I was currently planning out my uniform.

My shower was decently quick. I did only wash my body and hair as fast as I could. When I was done, I got out and magicked my hair dry. It fell in its wavy fashion down my damp shoulders, which irritated me.

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