F O U R T Y - F I V E

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March 24, 1999

I made my way to detention. I have it for the rest of this week with Ginny. I plan on being as 'kind' as possible for Hermione's sake.

That's one way to make someone angry in a situation like this. Fake polite tones, smiles, and kind words.

Draco was in detention for Slughorn, cleaning out the Potions classroom. He's been doing his detentions longer than I've done mine.

The click of my dress shoes echoed off the walls in the corridors as I made my way closer to the outside.

It kind of sucks that our detention is outside. McGonagall switched the times of our detention too. We're supposed to go out at 8 o'clock in the dark.

I took a right to make my way to the Entrance Hall and then to the greenhouses.

I didn't have much on my mind. I worked on the Legilimency project earlier and it's been going as well as I could put it. Hermione gave me some good advice while we were planning Skeeter's demise.

Speaking of, I have some great ways to bring that woman down.

That's the plan for tomorrow.

Other than that, I wasn't worried about my detention with Ginny. What is she going to do? Hit me with her off-brand Cleansweep?

I chuckled to myself thinking about it as I made my way down through the Grounds. Detention was meant to start at 8 and it was 7:56, so I was early. Might as well take my time.

Harry didn't charge Draco with anything and the Ministry had let Draco off with a warning. Harry said he did something to start the fight, taking the fall.

Very Gryffindor.

I turned into Greenhouse #2 — the greenhouse in which Ginny and I were told we had to have our detention in — to see the charming face of our Herbology professor.

"Good evening, Professor Sprout." I smiled at the plump witch.

Most professors hate me due to my past and I have resorted to being a little bit of a teachers pet.

It kind of sucks, but I benefit off of it, so I don't really care. Hermione had been going off about it right for years.

Charm the professors, get better grades.

Or they help you.

Either way, if they like you, they want to see you succeed.

Professor Sprout is the Head of Hufflepuff House. She's quite forgiving, and had been the only professor to decently help me and apologize to me about the loss of my best friend who see had seen me with loads of times before his passing.

She looked up from the bed of Mandrakes in which she was checking up on and making notes. "Oh, hello, dear Y/N. How are you?"

"I'm just lovely, thank you," I told her, making my way over. "How are you?"

"Excellent, dear. Always excellent. You've got yourself in a bit of a doozy little situation, I hear. Minerva told me that you got in a little tussle with-" Sprout began, still checking on the pots of Mandrakes.

A voice cut her off. "Hello."

My head shot to the door. Ginny Weasley stood at the door, her flaming hair in two French braids, slung over her shoulder. She had a book bag in her delicate fingers and her eyes were on Professor Sprout with a fake smile pressed onto her lips.

"Ahhh," I teased. "If it isn't Ginvera."


The first thing I thought of was bugging her.

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