F O U R T Y - F O U R

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March 21, 1999

By Rita Skeeter

Harry Potter — war heroine and the beloved Boy-Who-Lived — has been caught romantically with You-Know-Who's daughter, Y/N Riddle — former Death Eater and Azkaban prisoner.

This pair wouldn't have likely been sought out due to parentage and the past. You-Know-Who had killed Potter's parents, resulting in Potter killing You-Know-Who — Riddle's father — back in May of 1998.

Sources claim that Riddle and Potter have been getting quite cozy over the time where Minister for Magic — Kingsley Shaklebolt — had set Potter up for weekly meetings with a Ministry employee on Riddle's behalf.

Potter had requested his services and the Ministry acted on them, giving him the job of tending to the ex-Death Eater as she stayed in the lush estate of Malfoy Manor to rehabilitate after Azkaban.

This is where it gets interesting. During Riddle's stay at Malfoy Manor, she had fallen for Draco Malfoy — her former partner, ex-Death Eater — once more and had rekindled a relationship with him.

A rather exquisite love triangle, with both men being sworn enemies to each other in school.

More sources claim that during one night while Riddle had been seeing Malfoy in secret, Potter had kissed her.

This resulted in the picture you see above; the brawl between Malfoy and Potter. As well as the photo you see below; the aftermath with Riddle and Malfoy.

Although, neither were available for an interview, the conversation below was overheard by many wanderers.

With tears in his eyes, Malfoy had cussed out a string of profanities while saying;

"Do you think I care? He kissed you. I wasn't going to let that *foul language* get what he wanted again. Who cares if I get thrown in Azkaban? It's probably about time, isn't it?"

Riddle then responded with;

"Shut up! You're being ridiculous. He kissed me, Draco. That's how it went. I love him."

Then, both parties cried over their broken down relationship, Malfoy accusing Potter of more and Y/N confirming that case, stating that she was in a deep love with the hero.

Malfoy had gone away in a rush, tears spilling from his eyes, leaving Y/N to head to the Hospital Wing to hold her beloveds hand while he suffered the horrible pain of Malfoy's punches.

"Bullocks!" I shouted, loud enough for the people around Draco and I at the Slytherin table to hear.

Alana had brought the latest issue of the Daily Prophet over, showing Draco and I that we were on the front cover due to Draco and Harry's foul brawl yesterday.

What I hated most about the article, was that it was almost all factual, not all of it was fabricated like most of Rita Skeeter's normal work.

The fact that I was in love with Harry, or that Draco was crying last night wasn't true and will never be. Draco's statement was on point, mine was not. It was a string of lies.

Draco took hold of the paper from my hands, crinkling the sides of the Prophet up in anger.

"She's saying you kissed him back. What complete and utter-" Alana began, resting her elbows against the table.

Pansy sat across from me, reading her own copy that she collected from a Ministry owl just seconds after getting the copy from Alana.

Theo was reading over Pansy's shoulder.

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