E I G H T Y - T W O

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September, 1999

Draco and I Flooed to Hermione and Ron's apartment. We all sat at their dining room table and Hermione glared at Draco and Draco avoided eye contact as I explained the situation between Frankie and Sally.

"So, she's basically a prejudiced twat?" Ron cut in.

"Yeah." I replied, smacking my lips together.

"And why did Malfoy have to come to this little meeting?" asked Hermione.

Everyone's eyes fitted onto Draco's and when Draco finally looked at Hermione, he spilled it out in one breath. "I'msorrythatIcalledyouaMudbloodinschoolandmadeyourlifealivinghellbecauseyou'reMuggleborn."

Hermione blinked. "Oh?"

Draco turned to Ron. "Can you leave? I want to apologize without it being in front of a ginger tumor."

I fought the urge to leave as Ron mumbled some retort and left the room.

"What I meant to say was," Draco took another deep breath. "I'm sorry for bullying you in school."

"Thank you for apologizing, Malfoy. I forgive you — I guess." Hermione said.

"Thank you." Draco responded before looking down again and avoiding all eye contact.

"Can I come back now?!"

"Yes, Ronald," Hermione shouted, then lowered her voice. "He can be so clueless sometimes. Have you realized that?"

"Yes." I laughed.

Ron took his seat back at the table. "What are we doing about this Frank kid?"

"Frankie," I corrected him. "And you're not a professor, so you're not doing shite, Weasley."

"Why am I here then?" He asked.

"Because you insisted to be." Hermione answered for him.

"Well, I'm here now," Ron shrugged. "Does anyone want some cookies?"

"No thank you, Ron." Hermione said, waving him off.

Ron got up and left for the second time to go get himself some cookies.

"Anyway, I asked Sally about it and she said her father taught her the Pureblood ways and blah, blah, blah. It's the story of every Slytherin bully in our year." I explained.

"And what did you do about Frankie?" She questioned softly, stretching out one of her coffee coloured curls in her fingers and then retracting them, letting it take its original form.

It was actually quite enchanting.

"I'm having tea with him in my office tomorrow. He's not in trouble or anything, I just want to get to know him a bit. Maybe give him a sense of security, tell him that I'm here for him." I told Hermione.

She tilted her head, staring at me. "You have really changed. It's good."

"Thanks?" I questioned.

"Erm- yes. That's a great idea. What house is he in?" Hermione cleared her throat.

"Ravenclaw." I answered almost immediately.

"Godric, I would've said to watch him closely in the common room, but you're not his Head of House." She bit the corner of her lower lip.

"What if you just keep reassuring him that what she says isn't true?" Draco spoke up.

Hermione shook her head. "He wouldn't believe her. We're adults, now we don't 'understand' the kids."

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