T H I R T Y - F I V E

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February 21, 1999

Harry Potter's lips were on mine.

That's what snapped me out of my bliss.

"Harry." I mumbled against his lips, pushing him off slightly.

He got off of me and stared me in the eye. "What's wrong?"

"I'm with Draco," I told him, my hands sliding off of his chest from where I pushed him off. "I have been for a while."

"But you told me-" He started, confusion in his eyes.

I cut him off. "We weren't together then. Now we are."

His mouth actually dropped. "I'm sorry."

I looked around the Courtyard in a hurry. "I have to go."

I didn't even let Harry speak again. I picked up my bag and walked away.

He didn't follow me.

He kissed me.

What the hell?

I knew he liked me, but he kissed me.

I didn't expect him to kiss me.

What am I going to tell Draco?

I don't want to lie.

But I don't want him to kill Harry either. He may not be my favourite person in the world sometimes, but he's my friend.

He's also helping me.

But holy fucking shit.

He kissed me.

I felt gross. Does it classify me as a cheater if I didn't kiss him back?

Oh, god.

The happiness I felt moments before had been a distant memory now.

All that's left as of this moment is complete fear.

Not of Draco, I'm not scared of Draco. I'm scared of what Draco might do to Harry.

I felt nauseous and sick as I found myself on the third floor. I was almost to the Head Girl dorm and my mind was racing.

When I got to the door, I debated going in or running to the Slytherin dorms and highjacking Pansy's bed.

But, I went inside and there he was, on an armchair reading again.

My lip trembled as I made my way over to him.

He must've heard me come in because he looked up at me and smiled. "Hey, how was Pansy?"

"Don't hate me." I mumbled. It was the only words that would come out of my mouth.

They were the words I thought as soon as I saw his perfect face.

I felt the guiltiest I ever have as he sat there smiling at me.

"What do you mean?" He asked, his smile still not budging.

Here it goes. I have to tell him. I can't keep it a secret.

"Draco," I breathed. "After I went to see Pansy, I went to detention."

"Yes." He said, he knew this.

I was stalling.

"And during my detention, Harry came up and took me away to practice my Patronus." I continued.

Draco's smile became forced as soon as I mentioned Harry's name. "And Flitwick was okay with this?"

"I'm not done," I cut him off. "He used some type of Ministry excuse. Then we went to the Courtyard and I finally produced a Patronus."

Dark Love (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now