F I F T Y - F I V E

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May 10, 1999

It's been a hard week.

It's kind of like a double whammy when it comes to this month...

These two weeks more like.

He would be 19 in three days.

This time, I promised Draco I'd spend the day with Alana.

She tried hiding it on the 3rd, but the day before was as hard for her as it was for me.

My heart pounded and my fingers spasmed as I scribbled down the note I was writing onto a parchment.

I need your help. It's important.
Contact me ASAP.

I sent it off with Draco's regal owl to it happened to stop by to drop off some treats Narcissa had packaged for Draco.

She's precious.

I also decided to write a letter to her.

I miss you. It's been hard here. People have been sketchy and odd around Draco and I, professors have been prejudiced.
I apologize again for not seeing you over the break. I promise to see you as soon as Draco and I catch another one.
Can't wait to see you again.

I packaged both letters into separate envelopes and told Draco's owl to bring Potter's first and then Narcissa's.

The owl squawked and I ruffled its feathers before it flew off and I was alone again.

Draco was playing Quidditch with Blaise and Theo again. I told him not to worry about me and to head down for a bit. He deserves some fun with his school friends.

According to him, Blaise was making a lovely recovery. It seemed like Blaise was determined to get better from his addiction since September and he's been trying his hardest to stick to being completely sober.

But the anniversary of Kayden's death had hit everyone and he had relapsed.

He only drunk Fire Whiskey, and only got down a glass and a half before Theo came in and snatched it away.

He's been guilty over it ever since.

Pansy had been weak. If you poked her the wrong way, she'd break down and she wouldn't be able to breathe for multiple minutes.

She was like a ticking time bomb.

Theo was more uptight and had been yelling a bit more.

That didn't go well with Pansy's fragile state.

They had it out the other day and hadn't spoken to each other since.

But we all knew that they each just need time. Pansy and Theo won't let that break them apart.

Draco's been the glue trying to hold us all together and I wondered when he would snap.

He hasn't.

He hasn't grieved once over Kayden's death or the war.

I know he's hurting over it too.

I flopped onto my bed and rubbed my eyes before hearing a knock at the door.

I made my way over and opened the door to reveal Hermione at the door with a box of chocolates in her hand.

"Hi," she mumbled. "I figured that you're hurting — I mean, you lost your best friend. I can't imagine losing Harry. Anyway, I wanted to bring you some chocolate and maybe we can talk for a bit, have some hot chocolate?"

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