T H I R T Y - N I N E

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March 1, 1999

"I'm over school." I groaned in a whisper as I dropped my head onto my shared desk with Draco.

"Aren't we all." Draco chuckled.

I pulled my head up and began reviewing the potion ingredients. I felt like I needed to walk, to get away from the seat.

"Can I get the ingredients?" I turned to Draco with a small but sheepish grin on my cheeks.

He rolled his eyes. "Sure, but don't take to long or I won't do any work."

I got up from my chair and headed for the storage cupboard, not looking behind me.

I began humming a simple tune as I grazed my finger over the labels, choosing which ones I had to take.

Murtlap Essence, Essence of Dittany, Lacewing Flies, a Bezoar and some other things I skimmed over.

As I looked, a sudden whisper shook me from my thoughts, making me turn around quickly, my wand in my hand.

"Fucking hell, Pansy!" I hissed as the raven haired girl gracefully waltzed over to me.

I turned back to the wall as she talked. "I'm sorry, Y/N but I need your help."

"With?" I questioned with attitude. I wasn't angry with her, just a bit shaken up.

"Daisy." Pansy swallowed thickly.

"What about that prick?" I raised my eyebrow, letting my finger roam the letters on the shelves.

Pansy sighed. "She heard about why my parents went to Azkaban and thinks I'm a Death Eater too now, even though I've shown her my arm and can prove I'm not. She also thinks Theo is a Death Eater enthusiast. It's annoying. I need you to help me with getting her to see reason."

"Are you serious?" I turned to my sisterly figure. She nodded. "Where is she?"

"I think she's in Herbology right now, but that's besides the point. We need to get her to leave Blaise be and to stop calling all of us Death Eaters in front of the whole school." She brought her fingers to the spot between her eyebrows and massaged it for a moment.

If Daisy thinks she can fuck with Blaise, Pansy and Theo after years of them sticking with her, she has another thing coming.

"I'll help." I said, firmly. I grabbed the Murtlap Essence off the shelf and quickly stocked up on the others.

Pansy gave me a weary smile. "Thank you."

"When do you need me?" I questioned, picking out the Lacewing Flies.

"Slytherin common room at 5 o'clock. She gets back at 5:30. We can corner her then." Pansy explained as if she ran though the plan multiple times in her head.

"Alright," I nodded, holding jars of ingredients in my arms. "I have to go. Draco's waiting."

Pansy moved out of the way from the door she was accidentally blocking. "Bye, Y/N."

"Bye, Pans."

The rest of the school day was dull. I told Draco about what was going on with Daisy and he looked as if he were about to explode.

Him and Blaise had been best friends since third year and what Daisy was doing, was hurting Blaise more then the others.

So, Draco agreed to come with me to the Slytherin common room at 5 to give Daisy a hit of reality.

As we made our way down the corridors at 4:55, I broke the silence. "So, any luck with the plan for Alana?"

"Yes," Draco said. "Actually, it was pretty easy. I just needed a goblin to make the silver and to fit the memory-"

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